3 ☯ Fuck Mates

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3 Fuck Mates

It was worse than I thought. Stacey literally left me and drove away. She refused to even walk me to the doorstep, let alone stay with me.

Two uncertain knocks on the door, and one step back, I patiently waited for someone to get the door while wondering what might have actually happened. Who was wrong?

I was so bothered and into my thoughts, I didn't hear when the door swung open.

"If you're going to stalk me everywhere I go, at least make it less obvious." That voice said. The one that's been so rude in the last 24 hours. The one that belonged to Cayson.

I must admit, I was a little shocked that he was in Adam's house until I remembered how Stacey told me they were close. "Cayson" was what I said while I was still in awe, right before I hoped he wouldn't question how I knew his name.

"Stay the fuck away from me. I'm serious." And he shut the door in my face.

Accepting the fact that apparently, I had a sign on my forehead telling everyone to not let me into houses, I knocked once more.


No one responded.

So I decided to add some voice, just like our dear Cayson had shown me last night.

I banged on the door with my elbow, "ADAM!" wishing his parents were out.
"ADAM! IT'S-" and yes people, the door finally swung open revealing the figure I was looking for.

"Dana?" Adam asked after about thirty seconds of taking in my appearance and still with uncertainty in his voice.

I slowly nodded.

He had barely changed. His little cute brown eyes, his silly smile on his cute little lips... the only difference was his haircut, which I must say was a huge upgrade from what I remembered.

He flung his arms around me and pulled me into his welcoming arms.

This was way better than the welcome I got from Stacey. My eardrums were probably still dancing.

He inhaled and exhaled deeply, "God, I missed your smell!" He placed his head on mine, still sniffing me out. "Honestly that's the only thing I missed about you." He shrugged as he came back down to earth and pulled away from me.

"That's not what your tears told me," I chuckled.

I remembered the day I was leaving, they all followed me down to the airport, and c'mon we all know men/boys never like to be seen crying, but I managed to catch Adam's eye tear up right after he hugged me goodbye one last time and quickly walked away without looking back once.

"You mean that fake act? I'm your best friend. I should be the most dramatic one. It's my destiny." He defended himself, and invited me in.

We walked into the living room where Cayson was sat comfortably, that was until he spotted Adam with his arm around my shoulder.

"And he invites the crazy bitch in." he looked up at Adam, "nice job, man."

Crazy bitch? Is that what he called me?


"It's Dana." I corrected him, trying so hard to hide my offended pitch.

He walked up to me, gave me a bored look and pointed at his face, "it's me giving no fucks."

"Hey, cut it out man, cause she's my best friend." Adam butted in, shooting Cayson a warning look.

"I don't give a fuck about your business either," Cayson spat back in the same jaded tone.

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