21 ☎ Sugarplum Or Savory

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"This is why I don't come for these things," I commented, shaking my head. "Something always goes wrong."

"I just can't believe he would do this, especially in his condition," Adam said.

I looked away from my brother, who lay resting on the hospital bed and to Adam.

"What's his condition?"

He folded his lips into his mouth. He was hiding something from me.

Now, should I be the understanding girlfriend or the pesky bestfriend that wouldn't give up?

You're right.

I got up the bed and walked over to Adam. Calmly, I placed my hands on his cheeks and pulled him closer so his head was resting on mine.

"What aren't you telling me?" I asked.

"That you're as beautiful as ever," he smiled.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I meant about Cayson," I hissed. "You tell me that every time you see me basically."

He chuckled and bent his head down to kiss me.

There was no one around, except Rona, Lilian and Jack who had been waiting in the lobby, so I wasn't feeling scared that I'll get caught or anything.

"He'll be fine," Adam told me after he pulled away.

"Fine? After what he did to my brother, he deserves whatever consequences life gives him!" I exclaimed.

Adam looked over at the bed. "I was talking about Hadrian."

Oh. Right.

"My mom shouldn't know about this. She'd freak and -"

"I know," he assured me. "You should go home. Just tell her he's staying over at my place tonight," he said. "I'll stay here for a while to see him when he wakes up."

I nodded. "Thank you, so much."

He shrugged.

I stood on my tip toe and planted one on his lips before bidding him goodnight and exiting the room.


Sleeping was suddenly so uncomfortable.

No matter how much I turned, I couldn't find a comfortable spot.

Only one thing going through my mind.

If I had just let him be, he wouldn't have sucker punched my brother into a coma.

But still. What normal human acts that way?

Adam had cornered his way out of telling me Cayson's situation.

Did he have a mental problem? Maybe that's why he's always so bipolar.

My heard slipped three beats when I heard my window screech as it was being slid open.

Cayson had stepped in.

I was, in fact, expecting him.

"My guitar wasn't where you said it would be," he said.

I noticed Cassie happily chasing her tail right beside Cayson's right foot.

Of course he brought the dog.

I pointed him behind my bed, where it originally always lay.

He didn't say a word to me as he walked over to my bed and picked it up, hanging it over his shoulders.

He started walking away without even thanking me for keeping his stuff for him.

"Did you know," I asked out loud for him to hear. It was obvious he did when he stopped walking to hear what I had to say. I finished my sentence, "it was my brother you hit?"

Break Or Be Broken (formally known as Love Me Back)Where stories live. Discover now