26 ✘ Friends, Foes Or Lovers

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So maybe what Cayson said was excruciatingly annoying on Adam's side.

But sure he didn't deserve the hard blow on the jaw he got from Adam. "Never look at her like that again. Ever," he had said.

Cayson looked like he was going to retaliate but decided to keep shut.

So I decided to step in.

"Adam, that wasn't necessary," I said, walking after him.

"Yes it was," he said, not even looking at me once. "He shouldn't look at you like that."

"Oh really?" My voice got higher a bit. "Then maybe I should've crushed your fucking balls for checking Rona out last night."

And shoot myself for almost kissing Cayson.

He stopped in his tracks and turned to me. I expected to see remorse in the way he looked at me, but instead it was rage mixed with confusion.

"Is that what this is all about?" He asked. "So you decided to use Cayson to get me jealous?"

"What? Make you jealous? Adam I have more important things to do with my life."

He looked taken back. "Oh. Well it's nice to know I'm not your number one priority."

Really? "You are such a fucking drama queen," I sighed and began walking out without even giving him one glance.

"Yeah. Fuck off!" He yelled after me.

"Fuck you Adam!" I yelled back.


I went straight home.

I called a cab and told Rona and Lilian I was going home.

They were having fun and I didn't want to deprive them of that just because I was having doubts.

Was saying yes to Adam a mistake?

I sat in the sitting room with Hadrian, watching Scandal and stealing his pop corn when he wasn't looking.

I wasn't really paying attention to the tv. I was too busy thinking about what had happened with my supposed boyfriend.

I mean we used to fight when we were younger. A lot.

But that was over toys and occasionally, it was about him cockblocking me from the cute guys who tried to get at me.

At least then, he would acknowledge he was wrong or if I were, I would. And we'd both go back to being best friends again.

It didn't take more than two hours.

I looked at the clock that hung on the wall.

It was already 11pm.

9 hours and no text from him. No call either.

I sighed and that earned me a violent 'shhhhhhh' from Hadrian.

Just then, we both heard the jiggling of keys coming from outside the door.

Hadrian quickly turned the Tv off and we both ducked our heads so we wouldn't be seen.

The door flung open and all I could make sound of was moans and that sloppy kissing sound.

I covered my mouth.

My mother hitting it off with some guy and I really wanted to know if it was Edward.

"Let's go to my bedroom," she said between breaths. "My kids are asleep."

No they're not.

And then the guy spoke. "You're drunk, Pen. I shouldn't even have kissed you."

Break Or Be Broken (formally known as Love Me Back)Where stories live. Discover now