16 ✘ A Day With The Devil

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I lay uncomfortably on the black foam sofa in the sitting room downstairs while my mind wandered about on the girl sleeping in my own bed.

Why was I not sleeping in my own bed? Why did I let her sleep in it instead?

It couldn't be because I had started caring for her. I knew myself and I knew I was far away from caring for someone who wasn't me. I was never going to make that mistake ever again.

Just as I began to think the environment was a little too quiet, I heard a screeching scream.

It was she.

Normally, I would've frowned at the sound of her voice, but she had been asleep for too long and I needed someone to make feel miserable.

Her footsteps were loudly heard as she ran down the stairs rather angrily.

I didn't bother moving a muscle.

I drew the lit cigarette out of my mouth and exhaled. My lungs felt refreshed.

"You better be burning yourself to death!" She greeted, waving away the smell of smoke. "How dare you?! You fucking pervert!!!"

I looked at her, scanning her up to down, "nice clothes," I smirked as I got off the couch and walked directly towards her.

"Did you undress me?" Her breathing rate had increased and her brows were furrowed together, causing a crease between them.

She must've been really mad.

"Nothing to be ashamed of, love," I said. "You look your best, naked."

Her hand came in contact with my face with a speed faster than that of light and strength like the hulk.

"I get that to you, women are just toys. But I find it disrespectful and insulting that you would carry me all the way here just to strip me off my clothes!"

What gibberish was this young girl speaking? "Do not deceive yourself, Dana. You're a girl. Not a woman."

She shot me her best death glare and all I wanted to do was drop dead with laughter.

"Where are my clothes? I want to leave," she firmly stated.

But I didn't want her to. Not yet.

And it's not because I enjoyed her company! It's because I needed someone to nag.

.. I think..

"I think I prefer these to that old rag you were wearing, don't you think?" I chuckled.

That just pissed her off the more. I knew since she had already began stomping her foot past me and towards the door before I reflexly held her back by wrapping my arm around her waist.

When I realized what I had done, I quickly retracted.

The shock was not hidden from her facial expression.

I didn't care about her.

That was Adam's job. He was head-over-heels in love with her, like the stupid idiot he is.

And she loved him too. I would know because Adam had texted me last night while I was seated on Dana's front porch with her, saying she had made the first move and she wasn't resistant on repeating.

That's why I had said what I said. I didn't just see women as "sex providers" or whatever. I just said it.

So no. I didn't care one bit for her.

She stood, waiting for me to say something.

There were a million things I could say to her at that moment, and that's what made it hard.

Break Or Be Broken (formally known as Love Me Back)Where stories live. Discover now