6 ✘ Dinner Surprises

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Hey guys! So I blessed my readers with 9 pages!

Am I awesome or what?

Or what.

Okay. If you say so.

Have fun reading this! Please thank you :D

Btw... who watches K drama?

I confuse myself.

Well, it's life I guess.

I loved food but I was always lazy to eat most times.

I loved cuddling but I was single.

I loved my mom but I lie to her

I loved sleep but I always woke up at dawn.

That was the case now.

It was a few minutes past four in the morning and I had dragged my blanket with me to the rooftop where I lay and just thought about my life.

My father had only called once since we arrived and didn't bother to ask how mom was doing, but then again, I shouldn't expect mom to feel bad about that since the news was a guy was currently in our house.

I got home from the party earlier than 1am thanks to Stacey who kept warning me about Cayson about the things she's heard about him, and also thanks to the constant disgust I got from staying with that crowd... y'know, Cayson's crowd. It had a negative aura and well, Cayson and Amanda. Adam wasn't being any good as well.

Anyway, I got home from the disturbing crowd and found Hadrian on my bed throwing his basketball up and down and before I could even speak, he had already told me the dreading news.

"Mom has a male visitor in her chambers."

And of course asked for the food I promised, but Chick-fil-A closed by 10 so I had to come up with a new promise, and he was giving me 24 hours to think of something.


I sat, staring up at the clearing sky, wondering if mom was going to introduce him or do something worse like sneak him out before she thinks we're up. I would be happy of course, if she introduced him. I mean a guy who could take her mind off dad?

He was probably a miracle... hopefully not some one-night-stand kind of person.

I got my phone from the pocket of my sleeping shorts; staring at the messages Adam had left me, and the calls I refused to pick.

Yeah, he must've been damn sorry, but I was still pissed.

'Dana, I swear I wasn't backing him up. He's just not someone you want to mess with.'

'Sorry though :('

'You do realize I see that you've read this right?'

'C'mon! Let's go back to being AdNa... people totally still ship us.'

If I told my mother, she'd be more than happy to dance all over the house to Usher's songs and telling me how she's always right.

The image alone was appalling and dangerous, so I decided to reply.
To Adam; No one does

And I forgive you.

You may jump and scream now.

He was probably still asleep, but he'll see it when he wakes of course.

Break Or Be Broken (formally known as Love Me Back)Where stories live. Discover now