23 ☯ The Sexing Truth

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Lilian and Rona had spent the most of their day with me until Lilian got a call from Jack, and then there were two.

"So how's the hot neighbor?" Rona asked as she began polishing her toe nails.

I turned away from her to hide my blush and found myself staring at his window.

The sight my eyes caught was eye-hurting, food-gagging-ly disgusting.

He was making out with a half naked girl and of all the places he chose to do it, it was right next to his window. He didn't even have the decency to shut it.

I did myself the favor and closed mine.

Suddenly my blush had disappeared into thin air. "You mean the bastard who hit my brother?" I asked, sipping my cup of coffee. "I wouldn't know and I couldn't care less."

"Oh right. He's the bad guy," Rona nodded. "That has my girl's heart."

I rolled my eyes at her. "I'm sure you're not referring to me."

Of course she was. For some reason, she thinks I'm still the type that's into bad guys. I didn't want any trouble as it is.

"Who else would I be referring to?" She smiled devilishly. "And don't give me that whole crap about you being with Adam. I was in love with Paul when I was with Robert now wasn't I?"

I nodded, "you were. And now where did that road leave you?"

She pouted. "Alone."

I looked at her for a while before we both nursed off into laughter.

"No but seriously. This is a problem," she told me. "You and Lilian have love lives and I'm single. I feel like the girls in those funny pictures kissing a pole while her friends actually have human beings."

I laughed harder. "C'mon, Rona. It's never that bad."

She nodded. "You're right. You know what?"


"I'm going to look for a summer benefactor," she said. "He's going to be so ugh! So hot! His hair's gotta be hair-whipping long! And he's gotta be at least 5"8 tall y'know-"

"Rona. You're literally 5"3. Are you trying to look like his girlfriend or his kid sister?"

"Don't tell me how to live my life." She had stuck out her finger at me in warning. "Besides, have you seen you standing next to that sexy sucker puncher? You guys are legit so fucking cute I could just squish you both with my melons."

I had to witness her jiggling her boobs right at my face. It was a horrifying experience, but not the first time I experienced such.

I had a weirdo as a friend.

"Like he's all up there. And you're down there and he's looking down at you, and you're so fucking clueless because you're so close to the ground. And I'm like aaaaaaah!" She squealed, deafening both my ears.

"Oh my God I'm starting to sound like Lil," she chuckled, shaking her head.

I nodded, with another sip of my coffee and just like magic, what she had said clocked. "Wait he looks at me?"

She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I knew she was about to give a witty comment. "Look who isn't with Adam now."

I instantly regretted asking her. Why did I even ask? I didn't care about Cayson or if he looked at me when I wasn't looking. I was with Adam - ugh. I get that.

I subconsciously moved the curtain a little to see if he was still there doing the unspeakable.

He wasn't at sight anymore, but that didn't mean he didn't have a bed.

Break Or Be Broken (formally known as Love Me Back)Where stories live. Discover now