a strange meeting. Homer? spitting chocolate milk.

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Chapter 31

When math was over I walked to social studies with Jacob

‘why’d you call yourself Jacob? My name is Jacob’

‘because it is fun! Didn’t you see the reaction he gave when I told him I didn’t like being compared to Jacob Black from the twilight movie? It was hilarious! And  am planning to do that with a lot of other teachers and students, so if you want to help me…’

 ‘yes, it was indeed hilarious, didn’t you see me laugh?’

‘no, I was looking the other way, but I heard you laugh. so will you help me?’

‘yes, what do I do?’ I was chuckling evilly and rubbing my hands

‘who do we have for Social studies and does he have a list of the students he teaches?’

‘we have miss Gruwelda, and she does have a list of students’


‘but she is so hot, so you have to drool and say weird stuff or something like that’ he explained and I nodded taking it all in.

“be a disgusting pig, got it” I ticked the box in my head off and gave a small nod, Jacob laughed

‘what’s wrong?’

‘why did you nod? You did it out of nowhere.’

‘oh nothing’ common let’s go inside’ when we walked in my eyes went wide

‘oh. My. God.’

‘hello there, my name is miss Gruwelda, I am your social studies teacher for the rest of the year’ she stuck her hand out for me to shake it and I took it, her hand was really soft

‘hi, I-I- I am’

‘you’re Evan, I know, I saw the list’ I was poked in my side I looked to the side wide my eyes and mouth wide open

‘you’re doing a great job’ I looked back to miss Gruwelda and then back again to Jacob

‘ho-ho- how?’ I asked confused

‘it is-‘ I was interrupted by Jacob who was pushing me to my place

‘is it. how? Why did? Why is?’ I couldn’t really finish my sentences anymore. When I was sat down I let out a gust of air

‘how is that even possible? Are they real? Why is she even hired? Did your mom allow that?’ I asked incredulously

‘her breast are huge, they are three times her head!’ I looked back at miss Gruwelda, she had a beautiful face I had to admit that, she used a little bit of make-up, but like I said she had breast three times her head, but the surprising thing was that her body was as thin as an eel

“how can she even stand without falling? She’s wearing the highest heels I’ve ever seen!” Jacob chuckled next to me

‘what?’ I asked

‘nothing, I thought about what you said a while ago’ I nodded, but I knew he was lying,

“he is hiding something, but what?” I didn’t have time to think about it more because miss Gruwelda started talking.

When social studies was over we had recess.

‘yeey, we can go eat now!’ I was really hungry, because I didn’t have breakfast, well I never do, but still.

 I was walking next to Jacob, Samuel and Jaden, they’d joined us because they had English in the classroom next to us. We were walking next to the lockers and I spotted mine

Finding Out: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now