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Chapter 41

Evangeline’s POV

‘what!?’ I heard the guys say and I quickly let go of Marcus and wiped my face, then I turned to the guys again

‘what’s wrong Evangeline?’ Samuel said

‘where were you?’ Jackson said

‘we’ve been looking for over an hour for you!’ Jaden said

‘we were worried sick!’ Jason said.

‘I already told you right?’

‘told us what? where you were?’ Samuel asked

‘no, that your sentences fit perfectly together?’ they stared at me blankly

‘where were you!?’ Samuel asked

‘I was here’ I just said

‘but why?’

‘because I felt like it’

‘don’t answer my questions with that sentence ever again, it’s so annoying that you won’t tell us what happened. Just tell us why you were here’

‘because I wanted to get out of the school, away from the drama’

‘you’re lying’ Marcus said

‘how would you know? I wasn’t thinking anything.’

‘I was there when you ran out of the classroom remember?’

‘yes, so. Can’t a girl get some fresh air?’

‘you were running away’

‘I was not’

‘then you won’t mind if we take you with us when we’re going back’

‘yes I do’

‘oh really? Why?’ he folded his arms and I took the same stance

‘because I like it here’

‘oh really?’ he repeated

‘you don’t mind being alone?’

‘no, why should I?’ I knew where he was going, Angelina

‘so you like to be thrown into the water?’

‘what?’ Samuel asked

‘maybe I do.’ I ignored Samuel

‘oh really?’ he repeated again and he took a step forward, grabbed my legs and hoisted me over his shoulder

‘what are you doing?’ he turned around and started walking towards the lake

‘no, don’t do it’ I warned him

‘why not?’

‘because my clothes will get wet’

‘they’ll dry’ he didn’t stop walking I looked over his shoulder and saw that there were only five meters left till the lake

‘do you want me to get sick?’

‘you’ll just get new clothes’

‘where’d you get that idea?’

‘you were wearing the school uniform when you left the classroom’

‘I could have gone to the room to change’ I did go to my room, but I didn’t change my clothes

Finding Out: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now