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I adjust my earphones properly for them not to fall. These ones are my third one. I don't know how they design these motherfuckers to break that easily. It's been a long time since I don't go out jogging, so after leaving my lazy self aside, I decided to start a new habit. Let's see how long it lasts.

The park three blocks away from my apartment is usually pretty crowded, but today, weather doesn't seem to accompany people's will to go for a walk. I pass people walking with their dogs, people running and children playing around on the grass.

This moment was my no-thoughts allowed. The playlist chosen plays loudly against my ears and I'm just focused on rhythm my steps to the music. It's actually freezing but a thin layer of sweat prevents me from quivering. I look up to see a very overcast sky, I mean it was about time. It has been weird for too many days to experience a clear sky in London.

I keep running till I get to a little café where a familiar body catches my attention. If I'm not wrong that's Niall. He's with a blonde girl. She's pretty. I slow my steps to get a better sight at Niall. It's definitely him, and he has such a goofy smile on his face that I can't help but giggle and stare at them. The girl then leaves turning around, her face out of sight now. I get closer to Niall and he doesn't seem to be aware of my presence till I'm inches away from him.

-Hi. - I greet him. -What are you doing here?

-Hey. - He says happily.

-Who was she? - I ask him bluntly tilting my eyebrows and squirming my mouth in a mischievous way.


-Oh, come on! Don't play the fool with me.

He chuckles and finally he gives in.

-She's Olivia. We had a few dates. She's nice.

-I bet she is.

-Oh! Drop it.

-Where are you heading? - I give him a break.

-Home. It seems like it's going to rain in any minute now. -Niall looks up.

The sky is actually getting darker and darker.

-Do you want to join me? -I couldn't care less about a little bit of rain, this is London, if we didn't challenge the weather, we would never go out of our houses.

-Running? No fucking way, mate. Besides, I'm wearing jeans.

-Fair enough. Beer, then? -Fuck jogging.

Niall seems to think about it. He shrugs and nods.

-I'm in.

We get inside of the café. The place is cosy, and it's not too much crowded. The scent of coffee and butter fills the whole place. We order two beers as we sit on one of the furthest tables.

-So Olivia... -I start again the conversation.

-Again? -Niall seems annoyed but his shy smirk gives him away.

-Oh, come on! This is interesting!

-Is it? -He asks as if he didn't believe the insistence of talking about her.

-How did you meet?- I ask playfully, obviously excited.

Niall studies my face and huffs.

-At a pub. -He gives in.

-Cool. And?

-And what? What do you want me to tell you? – He laughs.

I shrug. -I don't know. Whatever you want to tell me.

-She...Liv... is pretty amazing. -Niall ends up saying and I can't help smiling. -She gets excited about all these silly things. I don't know... I like her.

-Oh my god! You are so cute.

Niall laughs at my reaction.

-What about you? - He asks.

-What about me? - The question surprises me.

-How did you and Louis meet?

That caught me off guard. What?

-Hey! Don't play dumb with me. You two seem to live in a different universe when you are together. I saw how you two looked at each other at the rehearsal.

-What? No. -I don't know why, my voice doesn't sound that convincing.

-It's ok if you don't want to tell me, tho.

-No, it's not that. It's just that there's nothing to tell.

-Well, if you say so. -He shrugs.

-Really, nothing happened.

-You like him, tho, right?

Ok, this is getting intense. My heart has started to pump so fast that I don't know where to hide. I take a gulp of my beer to gain time. I need a scape; I need to think. Think, Harry. Think.

-What about Liam and Zayn? -I need desperately to change the subject, but I read Niall's face and I know he's aware my intentions. Thankfully, he plays along.

-I don't know. It was bizarre as fuck.

-Right? Fucking bizarre. - I mumble under my breath. I can't stop thinking about Niall's question, was I that obvious? If Niall has realized that I like Louis, everyone has realized. Shit.

-I hope they get to solve whatever problem they have.

-Yeah, me too.

A thunder cracks and we get to see how in a matter of seconds it starts raining..

-We should leave before it gets uglier. -Niall advises

We get out and after saying goodbyes, we part ways. The cold air hits my face, and it feels refreshing, calming after that ambush. But ten minutes later, when the rain penetrates the clothes, I'm starting to feel the cold in my bones. By the time, I get to my apartment, I'm soaking wet and my face hurts from all the chattering teeth.

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