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We've spent the whole morning in bed, and it seems like it's never a good time for both of us to get out. We try to make it last the longest we can. We're tangled up in each other's bodies. I finally had to go and take some new bedsheets for us to cover because I was starting to get cold but nonetheless, I've cherished every one of his kisses, every touch, and every whisper against my ear.

We have to be at rehearsals in half an hour, so with all of our willpower, we get dressed among furtive glances and smiles and we get out of the house before we have time to regret it.

It's cold but right now I couldn't care less while I'm walking holding his hand. I start to think that I couldn't care less about anything as long as I were still holding on to him. It seems like I've waited a million years for this. Like I've been living to get to this.

We get through the door at the rehearsal's room and all the boys are already here. Well, obviously we're late.

-Hey. -Zayn greets us as he's the first one we bump into. He's busy looking for something in one of the cupboards but suddenly his eyes travel down to see our hands clasped. A corner of his lips switches up and his eyes bright up. I bite my lips trying to smother a smile, but I start laughing when Louis speaks.

-Anything to say, Malik?

-Yes! -He jumps to hug Louis and we let go the grip of our hands.

I take off my coat as I witness the loving interaction between Louis and Zayn.

-What's going on now? -Liam asks getting closer to us.

At Liam's voice, Zayn breaks the hug and runs towards him.

-They're back together! -Zayn shouts.

-What!?-Niall's scream sounds from the other side of the room and when I get to see where he is standing, all of a sudden, he's running towards me and jumps at my arms. -I knew you wouldn't last separated too long! Are you really together?

I nod at his question and he screams again and holds me tighter.

-Ok, ok, enough. -Louis says laughing.

-Are you going to finally explain what happened? -Zayn asks.

Louis, Zayn, and Niall sit on the sofa while Liam and I sit on the carpet in front of them.

I stare at Louis while he starts speaking.

-I made a deal with Martin. -He says bluntly. All of them look at him confused but in my case, I start to feel sick of my stomach at the idea of Martin's plan. -He assured me that if I broke up with Harry, he'd make sure that he gets in the contest. So... I gave in and I broke up with him. -He looks at me with apologizing eyes, but I smile at him shaking my head trying to tell him that all has passed now.

-So, this was all because of Martin? -Liam asks incensed.

-It's mental. -Zayn says under his breath.

-It really is. -Niall says.

-What are you going to do now? You can't let him win. -Liam asks us.

-We are together and that's how we are going to stay. -Louis says. -We'll try to be subtle in front of him, I don't know.

-This is crazy. -Zayn whispers.

-Ok, good, but what if Martin insists? What if he suspects that you're back together? -Liam asks again.

-Then, I'll say what he wants to hear. – Louis answers. -That obviously we're not together. Obviously.

-Listen up, lads. -I don't like to talk about this. -If we keep talking about him, he keeps winning. We are going to stay together no matter what. The only one who can break our relationship is ourselves and only if it's what we really want. We cannot let ourselves be intimidate just because what people might think of us. -I say. -Now, we should just keep practicing the songs. Music is why we're here, remember?

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