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My throat hurts so much that I can't even talk. Sweat covers my front and I know it can't mean nothing good. I check my temperature touching my forehead and fuck, I'm burning up. Laid on my bed, I snuggle in my blankets. I need pills, but the mere thought of me standing up, makes me dizzy. I growl and hide my face against my pillow. It's wet and sweaty. I move to the other side of the bed and the fresh spots of it welcomes my heated skin. At one point, I fall asleep and when I wake up with a little gasp I feel like a hammer is hitting my head nonstop. My phone is ringing. I look around my room and try to focus my blurred vision to know the whereabouts of my phone. Where is it? I see it on the edge of my nightstand. I reach for it and I read who's calling. Louis. No fucking way. I coff a little to ease my sore throat but the only thing I get is for it to sting even more. I whine a little before I accept the call.

-Harry, mate, where are you? We are planning the show for tomorrow. Liam is fucking whining about the fact that his solo is not long enough to impress everyone. - Louis laughs and I can hear some people talking and laughing behind him. Then the phone cracks and it's the voice of Liam who I hear next.

-No shit, Harry, don't listen to him. He can't get over the fact that I could steal his spotlight.

-You wish. – Louis says before he gets back his phone. – Hey, so, when are you coming?

My mind tries to figure out what time it is. It must be late 5 pm. I try to sit supporting myself on my arms and I let my head fall against the wall. I close my eyes and sigh. The phone is against my ear.

-Harry? - Louis asks again. His voice sounds concerned, and that makes me realize that I haven't spoken yet.

-I'm here. -I get to say. My voice sounds awful.

-Hey, are you ok? – I hear the mumbles disappear and I know Louis is leaving the room where the boys are. His voice sounds worried.

-No. – I say honestly. I want to say more words, but I just can't.

-What's wrong?



-And head. Dying.

-What? Can you explain better? You're scaring me a little.

I frown and let my body fall against the bed. I'm tired.

-Harry? -Louis asks again. My only respond is a soft growl on the phone to let him know that I'm still listening to him. -Listen, are you home, right? - I nod, but then I remember he can't see me, and I growl again as an affirmation. -Ok... hmmm. – He's thinking, I can see him frowning and touching his chin trying to organize his thoughts. I smile at the image in my mind. Maybe I fond a little too. Maybe not a little... Knowing that he's at the other end of this call, makes me feel warmer and not just because of the temperature that I clearly have. I feel even a little better just by hearing his voice. - Harry. - He speaks again after a silence. - Is it ok if I go to your house?

What? I open my eyes and wonder if I've just imagined the last question.

-What? - I get to pronounce.

-Can I go to your house? - Louis sounds awkward, and I just don't understand anything.

The thought of him in my house, makes me feel good but I get self-conscious of how I must look right now.

-Yes. -I answer before I even realize that I've spilled out the word.

-Ok. I'm coming. – Louis sounds relieve, and I expect him to hang up the phone now, but he doesn't. I hear his breathing and his steps and then a door, and suddenly the honks of cars. I look at the phone, confused about the sounds.

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