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After the show, we head to the closest pub that offers good beer. I intent to get drunk tonight and I think that's the plan that we all have. This has been a rough week and tonight I am going to do my best to forget all about it with the company of my boys.

We arrive at the pub. Every table is filled with people. Even the stools in front of the counter are occupied. The smell of alcohol and a slight glimpse of sweat welcome us when we open the door. Niall goes ahead to the bar and orders five pints before we find a table where we can sit.

I leave a free space for Niall to sit when he comes back. Louis is sitting next to me and at the other part of the table are Liam and Zayn. The beers don't take long to arrive to our table and once they are at our reach the game is on.

A nonsense chattering keep us entertained for the first round. Before the glasses get empty, another round of beers get to our table. The alcohol seems to start its effect on me because I start wondering if this is a good moment to tell them.

-I talked to Martin about my song. -I tell them as I put back my glass on the table after taking a huge gulp.

-And? What did he say? -Liam asks me excited.

Besides me I feel how Louis' body tenses.

-He didn't even bother to listen to it. – I tell them. -And he made pretty clear that he's not going to let me participate.

-Shit, lad! You're screwed. -Niall tells me slapping gently my back.

-We all are. -Liam points out. -As long as we work for Martin, he can control our professional lives. This time has been Harry because of that contest, but next time, it could be anyone of us. If he doesn't like us or at least, respect us, there's nothing we can do.

-Was he that blunt with you? -Zayn asks me surprised.

-Well, I'm actually sugar-coating it.

-Shit. -He says before taking another gulp of beer.

Louis doesn't say anything. He hasn't touched me or even talk to me directly since we got here. I turn to check on him and I caught him looking at the foam of his beer thoughtfully. There's something bothering him. I rub my elbow against his arm to get his attention.

-Hey! -He looks at me as if he just woke up of his trance. -Are you alright? -I ask him.

-Yeah. -He nods and keeps drinking his beer.

I don't believe him though, there is obviously something going on with him. He seems like he's uncomfortable around me. Maybe I scared him when he saw me at the bathroom before. What if I did scare him? I have never let anyone see me in that state before. Or maybe it is something else. Whatever it is, there's something inside his mind.

I've lost the count of how many beers we've drunk. We are all pretty wasted when we decide to leave the pub.

Louis doesn't say a word in our way home. He keeps patting his leg with his hands as he walks, and I know him well enough to know that he's nervous about something.

When I open the apartment door, I go straight to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water. Tomorrow, the hangover will be deadly. I should be preparing the paracetamol for tomorrow morning to make it easier for us to get through the day. I hear Louis dragging the stool from the kitchen to sit on it. I turn to see him looking at me with such a frustrated look that I can't help lowering the glass from my mouth.

-Lou, what is it? -I ask him. I am not going to spend one more second without asking him. I know for sure there's something he's not telling me.

He doesn't seem to keep himself steady on the stool, so he stands up and walks towards the side of the kitchen where I am standing. Nonetheless, he doesn't get close to me. There's a considerable space between us.

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