Who am I?

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By ink_and_piper from (Voyage to my Inner Self)
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"Who am I?",
I ask myself as a figure stares back at me from an empty reflection in the mirror,

I think, I am the one who pretends to be cool in order to fit into the standards of the society,

I am the one who has to use filters in order to feel confident again, beautiful again

Who am I? I ask myself as a figure stares back at me from an empty reflection in the mirror,
I think, I am the one who is insecure about almost everything,

I am the one who can't shed tears in front of the world in the fear of being labelled weak,

I am the one who has to pretend to be happy all the time,
But only i know this is far from reality,
I am the one who can't share my actual thoughts with the world because it won't give the same respect it used to before,

I am the one who has to be good at everything and anything so that I'm 'intelligent,

I am the one who has to be thin and pretty is order to fit into beauty standards,

As I uncover my insecurities and buried thoughts one by one and take off my clandestine,
I finally know who I am

I am imperfect, I am beautiful
I am talented, I am amazing,
I have my flaws but I am myself,

Feels like I am discovering myself for the first time.
I am no more insecure,
I feel powerful and confident once again as I accept myself the way I am

Who am I? I ask myself as a figure stares back at me from an empty reflection in the mirror.

Only this time, I truly know.

Dedicated to ink_and_piper

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