Get Lost, Get Found

24 11 5

By ink_and_piper from (Voyage to my Inner Self)

I've been feeling it forever,
Tell me if you feel it too,
Let's create a new society together
Me and you.

To get rid of these labels
I ve been trying and trying.
But to no avail.
I come back crying

You body shame and label me,
Then call me your friend,
I'm sorry it's getting toxic and it's none of your business,
It has to end,
You have no idea how I feel because of your ONE SMALL comment.

Before love myself,
I ve to learn not to hate myself,
But you're making the matters worse
What can i do?

You've got only one life,
How do you wanna live it?
Body shaming me?
By shaming others?
By shaming yoursel?
Who are you kidding?

When will you accept that i'm me, you are you
And we're all equally beautiful?
You say I'm ugly, I don't care
You say I'm bad, I don't care
Yeah, you got it right I Don't Care.

Spread love, not hatred,
Don't hate others just because they are different.
Love them for that,
Make peace with yourself,
Love yourself,
And never be sorry to be yourself.

I ve been feeling it forever,
Tell me if you feel it too,
Let's create a new society together,
Me and you .

Dedicated to ink_and_piper

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