That eye

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By CallMeAsuna
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" It was all facade " they said.

That pearl like fair skin.
That cherry like blushed face.

" It was an imposter " they said.

That calm smile just as cool breeze.
That bright eyes just as star in night.

" It was all the deceit " they said.

Everyone believed what they said.
But eyes deceived.

Deceived the 'made truth'
That they spoke. Again & again.

Skin can lie.
Face can hide.
Smile can fake.

But eyes,
It never learned.
Especially not that eye.

That held the warmthness,
For that lonely child.

That held tenderness,
For the girl who just fell outside.

That held kindness,
For the mistaken side.

That held agony,
Intact inside.

That held shine,
For the best friend smile.

They can lie.
I can lie.
She can lie.
He can lie.

But not that eye.
It never learned to lie.
It never learned to lie.

" Whose eyes you can relate it with this? "

Dedicated to CallMeAsuna

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