The Pianist

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By AreebaDazzle from(The Rhythm Of Her Heart)
Go check out her works and give a follow!

Eyes open with a breath of ice
Her finger tips gliding on the smooth, ivory keys
Soul adrift, with no emptiness inside,
She plays the piano in her own peaceful realm.

She weaves a rhythm along with a symphony
Within all the twisted damasks of untold stories
She plays a sweet melody
With the tunes of grained memories
Each tune, each chord
Is a masterpiece, a revolution on its very own
Each time when you hear her play
No cotton clouds of tears will haunt your day.

But sometimes, a change ever so slight
You will see her pressing this opalescent keys
keys Like a voice so angelic
Will follow her next note; tuning ply amplifying
Delicate fingers will then be playing gracefully
As she harps the sweet cacophony
You will bear it, yet you wouldn't stop listening
You are too drawn to her epiphany.

For the pianist plays for her melodious life
Not just for a coin or your praise
As she channels her thoughts and her passion inside
Into the slow, majestic tempo she builds
Gracefully, she will make everyone start humming the
Making you wonder how far this sweetness will go on You can't take her away for the words she never said
But be sure to listen to the melodious echoes as she plays.

Dedicated to AreebaDazzle

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