Toxic Love

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By ItsmeAxelle_ (From Look At Me, Rain)
Go check out their amazing poetry and give them a follow. 

He'll let you snuggle
 up to his neck
but choke your
 milk-white throat
with his slimy hands.

He'll kiss you
with all the passion
and the desire
he's got
but don't mind that
slaked blood tear
he'll leave behind.

He'll caress your wrist and
rub soothing circles over it
so smooth
you won't even realize your
bursting veins being
sucked out.

He'll gaze into your eyes
endlessly without
breaking away
just look out if
his start to deflect to a crimson
and starts to burn yours
your love really made you blind.

He'll make you sit
on his lap
and place thumb over
thigh don't shriek
if he decides to
make your blood gush out
and make it his wine.

He'll hold your face and
bring his lips to your ear
but don't worry if
he screams into yours
the Lion always roars before his prey
and there
it gets ripped.

He'll tell you
he loves youbut don't miss his twitching
he'll leave you stranded
his wolves ready to devour you
that's what his eyes

Don't take my word,
he'll love you alright.
as though he's actually poisoning you
like a crouching panther
but don't scream
because before you know it
he's drunk your soul
killed you.

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