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By ardi_lover
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I knew ,I knew
That it was only for a few
The word 'LOVE'
Although its true
But its only for a few

Some say 'True Love' never exists
Some say 'True Love' never exits
Love is an emotion to feel
Love is an emotion to helps us heal

Love is eternal
Love is immortal
Love is here and there
Love is everywhere

But why O! Why
It is difficult to say 'BYE'
Is loving someone so bad
That it makes someone go mad

I wish if there was TRUE LOVE
Then no one would had to hear a HEART CRUSH
Love is said to be blind
But it makes everyone go wild

When Love comes first
it is said to be right
But also it creates
Enemies to fight

For Love one should thrive
Then only that Love can survive
If it was so easy to get TRUE LOVE
Then why O! Why we hear a heart crush

Love makes two people and two hearts to get joint
But later love only brings those two people and two hearts to a crying point
Love brings someone hurt
Love always makes people blurt

Love causes a heart to rip
And its not that easy to sip
True Love is always said to win
Then why it causes people to do a sin

Love is good
But only in mood
Love is nice
But it causes a big price.

Dedicated to ardi_lover

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