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By Saramitra_ from 'Cheers to Self Love'
Go check out her works and give her a follow!

if you feel that you are unworthy of living,
let me remind you how much this world requires your presence.

before you start with the statements -
"The world will still move on"
"The sun would still set and the moon will still rise"
"There are more than millions of people in this world, I can be replaced"

let me stop you right there
cause probably you're correct
but only at a single perspective.

your mother will weep tears of agony as
nightmares haunt her existence,
forever stealing her peace;

your father would never let it out much
cause the sick orthodox mindset commands
that men never cry, men should never cry.
he'll come home late and would leave too soon,
his mental health at the brim of insanity;

your siblings would feel a hole tearing
through their heart as sadness creeps into their soul, taking away all the happiness they ever felt;

your best friend would sit at your spot,
wishing you were there to hold them,
as they're finally trying to cope with reality,
but fail miserably as everything feels cold without your warmth in it;

your friends would feel sad too,
wishing that they'd been there for you
and provided you comfort,
cause it certainly feels forlorn;

people whom you never met
and always admired you from afar,
always looking up to you for inspiration
are now lost in darkness;

so the sun may still rise
and moon may still set,
but there's this hole that can never be filled,
and the world will never ever be the same
without your brightness guiding them.

Dedicated to Saramitra_

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