Unrequited love

58 11 13

By EyaStorms from 'RAW POEMS'
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Was I wrong for ever loving you?
Forever falling for your charms?

I told you didn't I that "us" wouldn't work...
That it would bring nothing but despair.

Alas, you would not take heed.
I tried to keep my distance...
But you drew me closer.

Is it my fault after all for falling for your promise?
Your promise of us forever" remember?

You know, I gave you my heart,
I gave you my soul, poured everything I had for you!
I know that I left, knowing it would hurt.

But if given another chance...
Would do it over again.
Cause i'm a fool like that
To gladly offer my pleasure, in exchange for your pain.

All I had was a hope,
A hope that kept me breathing,
That maybe afterall you would.
'wait a little longer for me.

But you broke this very hope...
And eventually broke me.
Now I am stuck in the middle of nowhere.
Just a 'joker' hiding behind a mask.

You did break my heart still...
I will always love you with all those little pieces.

I would not pray that you become mine.
But just that my share of happiness gets transferred to you.

Yes, this is my love and it is to stay!
Even if you never choose me i will remain..

Dedicated to EyaStorms

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