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By Sunidosh_Reemanchi8 ("One Another World")
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Did you look at that flower,
Which craved for water?

Did you look at that calf,
Who was looking for it's mother?

Did you look into that man's eyes,
Who cried all night for his wife?

Did you see the youngsters today,
Going around and struggling for the peace of mind they crave?

Did you look into yourself,
Who was busy ignoring others?

Just because you have got the things that the world crave for,
Doesn't mean that you can put a blindfold on your eyes and ignore their cure.

Everyone's looking around for something or the else,
And you can't just ignore others because you feel like they are only being senseless.

Look into the depth,
And you'll find the truth.

Of feelings and emotions and everything,
That constitutes us to be a human.


Dedicated to Sunidosh_Reemanchi8

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