Doodle Portrait

48 15 2

By CallMeHymn ( From 'cacophony')
Go and check out his poetry works and give him a follow.

The tides gasoline,
Sickly sweet,
The tides are never spent,
The veins, saccharin seeping through a fingertip,
He bleeds but blood is infinite.

Is that stargazer a pretentious man?
A river down the spine-crawls,
Stirring, itches,
And up again, a colony of termites,
A lens, prismatic words,
The painting, moonlight refracted,
In indivisible ink.

Is that stargazer a pretentious man?
Monologues are therapy sessions,
A gold digger,
But he digs for dirt that he can't shine through,
Days in the dark, dreaming, finding,
When the oxygen passes by.

A stroll by the shore,
The tides, gasoline, ink,
Stars reflecting between their strokes,
The tides are never spent,
Saccharin, cyanide, forget-me-ever,
"Recipe from the vein"
A leap was the bartender's tip.

Oh, frau Lehrerin, it was set in stone,
An ocean from nowhere,
The thin air beneath ribs,
No matter how much we laugh, cough,
It would drown me,
Read his story but there is no end,
Was that stargazer a pretentious man?

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