
50 16 11

By xmagdeleneex
Go and check out her poetry works and give her a follow.

It's amazing and somewhat sad how the world keeps spinning no matter what happens,
Your heart may stop beating,
Your eyes may never open again,
Your lungs might stop helping you breathe,
But the world and it's mechanisms won't stop for anyone. 

The sun will rise and set as usual,
The wind will blow like before and the way it has been for years,
The water will continue to flow,
Softly in streams and ragingly in the oceans,
The flowers will bloom and wilt,
Seasons will come and go.

Nothing will change even when you're sad and crippled with remorse in bed,
You might stop breathing but nothing will change,
You will be stuck in an eternal state of melancholy,
Too hurt to move however the time won't stop,
You will grieve and cry for days.

And one day it will dawn on you that the ways of nature haven't stopped for a single day,
Earthquakes, tsunamis and what not may have struck the earth but it did not stop,
Then you realize,
You're far behind,
However never too far to start again.

You always have time to pick yourself up and start existing again,
The sun will rise again tomorrow,
And so will you.

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