Chapter 5 Unexpected Babysitting

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Yes, indeed she does babysit! But what is so unexpected about this one time in particular? Find out! Now~


(Taika's POV)

I sigh happily after my shift at ~insert fancy restaurant name~( Feel free to come up with one I would definitely appreciate it)  I smile and bounce a little while I went to Kumo's room. Should I stop calling him Kumo? I mean the nickname is quite childish... Nah! I reach for the doorknob and pause when I hear the phone ring. I pick it up.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hello is this miss Shirakumo?" The lady on the other end says sweetly. I am a little surprised by the yelling in the background. 

"Yes, it is what do you need?" I say.

"Well if you could I'd like you to come over and babysit my kid," She said I nod.

"Okay how old is the kiddo"

"Sixteen" I pause confused.

"Shouldn't he be old enough to be alone? And I don't think I could do very well seeing as I am younger than him" I say.

"Oh well my husband and I were hoping to go out and I'd prefer him to have a friend," She says. I nod.

"Okay, what is the address? And may I be ing my homework?" I say.

"~Insert address~ and of course!"

"Oh that's just a block away I'll be there in 5 thank you!" I say. 

"Thank you, sweetie!" She says and hangs up. I nod and go to my room to change out of my uniform. I change into something similar but more casual seeing it is still a job and not going out casually. I put on a short sleeve white button-up shirt and a pair of skin-tight black denim jeans.  I run out to my living room and put on some red sneakers and grab the roller skate bits and a hoodie. I grab my messenger bag with my wallet and keys close and lock the door behind me and skate over to the address.

~A few moments later~

 I knock on the door. (What a bland opening sentence) A blonde woman opens the door. And smiles at me.

"You must be Taika and wow I must say when you mean five minutes you mean five minutes!' Sh e says in a proud and loud tone. I smile.

"I do my best and yes that's me" She nods and gestures for me to come inside. I step inside shyly and stand by the door.

"Hades?" A gruff angry voice asks. I look to the voice and sure enough, I see the almighty Kacchan.

"Kacchan?" I say and tilt my head.

"You two know each other? Well, that's great!" The woman says and pushes me deeper into the house. Once I am in a spot to her liking she pushes me onto the couch.

"Alrighty kiddos we'll be back at 10 don't do the nasty," She said and with that, she was gone. I look around still confused.

"It's a nice house," I think aloud.

"Well duh, it's probably better than your shit hole!" He says and sits on the couch. He nods to the floor and I move to sit on the floor. He brings his legs up and sit's all over the whole couch. I nod and stare at the floor in front of my knees awkwardly. "What do you normally do during these gigs?" He asks.

"Oh, usually we do dinner first-" I say getting cut off by him.

"Then let's do that what do you know how to make?" He grumbles.

"Not much only kiddie meals," I say sheepishly. He rolls his eyes and walks towards a room I would assume is a kitchen. He pops his head back out.

"Are you coming or what?!" He yells. I nod and jump scrambling to get to the kitchen. Once I am in there I see many items placed on the counter. I then realized he was gonna teach me. He puts on a pink apron that says kiss the chef. I shrug and he pauses.

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