Chapter 3 (end of) Middle school

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(Taika's POV)

3rd year of Middle school

Hiya, it's Tiaka.

(Oi! Don't break the fourth wall!)

But you just did it.

(It's okay because I am the author! So fuck you!)

I'm the protagonist fuck me!

(Bitch we are under the asexual flag)

I know I just wanted to see your reaction lol that was nasty so sorry! (It's chill now let's get back to the story!) Yeah yeah, whatever AnYwAyS before I was rudely interrupted. (You started it) ANYWAYS! I walk out of class and I chuckle to myself and jump when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look around to see is just Kyoka. "Yes?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"Nice to see you too," She says in a teasing manner. I stick my tongue out.

(It is lowkey weird writing about school without thinking that they need masks. Know what I mean?)

"So how are things going?" I ask as we go to our normal lunch spot as the bell for lunch rings. She blushed a little but I wave it off.

"Pretty well, but can I ask you something?" She says. I nod.

"Of course!" I say as we got to our spot and sat down. I placed my food to the side to give her all of my attention and she sets hers to the side. She puts a hand to my face and brings it close. I start blushing madly. She places a soft kiss on my lips and I kissed back. We pulled back blushing and looking down to reach for our lunches.

!A little bit of homophobia!

"Jiro! Shirakumo! Get to the principal's office now!" One of our teachers said. Kyoka and I stand up and we brush our hands together. I guess PDA (Public Display of Affection if you don't know) isn't allowed on campus I thought until I saw a straight couple kissing out in the middle of the courtyard. I looked to them and back to the teacher confused that they weren't also going to get sent to the principal's office. Then it clicked.

~At the principal's office~

"Jiro, Kyoka, and Shirakumo, Taika my best members of the student body!" The principal says happily. "Do you girls know why you are here?" She asked in a sad tone. Kyoka shrugs and I do the sort of hand gesture. The teacher grabs our shoulders and sits us on the chair in front of the principal.

"I found these two, kissing during lunch period!" She yelled. The principal rolled her eyes.

"And you passed by two other couples kissing I don't see anything wrong with that."

"Well, those couples are doing it right!"

"I didn't know that there was a wrong way to do love!" The principal said somewhat angrily.

"Well, it's not between two of the same gender! The things that children are experimenting with these days they are unholy!"

"I guess I'll have to tell my wife that we can't be married because we are adults and shouldn't love who we love." The principal responds sarcastically. "Alright teach call the parents tell them to pick up their kids I'll talk to them alone." The teacher walks out and does what she asks. As soon as the teacher leaves the principal smiles again.

!End of homophobia here I think!

"So you to together?" She asked. I blushed a bit.

"I still haven't asked yet but will you be my significant other Taika?" Kyoka asks. I nod blushing having had a crush on her for a while.

"If you don't mind me asking but what are your flags? I tend to give kids hidden flags when they sort of come out or when an incident like this happens."

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