Chapter 21 Provisional Licensing Exam

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Taika's POV

I sighed on the bus to the exam we are taking. Nervous butterflies filled my stomach and I did a determined glare out the window.

"You good Taika?" I heard a voice ask. I look towards the owner.

"I'm fine!" I smiled at Kyoka who asked. Pushing my hair back I turned my gaze back to outside the window. She patted my thigh comfortingly. I cross my legs away from her hand. I don't really like being touched.

"Sorry," She muttered.

"'s fine sorry for moving away," I muttered.

"Hey Tai?" She asked,

"Yeah, Kyo?"

"Can I lay on your shoulder?"


I felt some pressure on my shoulder and I leaned my head against the window. A few minutes later I heard settled breathing. I smiled and patted her head with the opposite hand.

~ A little later~

I saw us roll up to the building we were supposed to be at and shook my shoulder to wake Kyoka up. She sat up tiredly.

"Mornin' sunshine but we gotta go get into the building now," I said. She smiled and blushed a little at my calling her sunshine. I laughed a little.

"Top energy," Mina said walking behind us and I rolled my eyes.

"Ace energy," I replied as we got out of the bus.

The class stands outside a bus and a lady with seafoam greenish hair in a pirate-like costume goes to talk to Shota. I flump over at her costume seeing that we are both pirate-themed.

"Guess you aren't the only one who thought about pirates did ya?" Denki says leaning on my deflated and hunched-over form.

"I guess not but mines better," I mumbled and Kyoka laughed a little.

I straightened up a bit and shoved my hands into my pockets.

"I agree Taika's is better!" Mina says while trapping me in a hug while I half squirm trying to get out. Sero walks over almost shyly.

"You two on first name basis already?" He asks looking around a bit.

"Yup!" She says releasing my which causes me to topple over and fall into Sero's arms.

"No," I mumble as he sets me up. I took one of his hands in mine. "Thank you," I said while shaking it a little and letting go. He smiled and gave me a little side hug. I didn't squirm away from this physical touch. Jiro whispers something to Mina and Mina pouts. While the other class is interacting with ours the green-haired lady comes over smiling.

"Looks like I'm going to have a fellow Pirate-themed hero in the future!" She smiled. My eye twitches at the over cheeriness and her overwhelming aura. She pushes it out and it causes me to start laughing uncontrollably. I crouched over to the ground and I laugh to the point of crying. "Your laugh is so fun I'm going to have to take you for work studies!" She smiles while releasing me from her quirk. I gave her an awkward smile while hugging myself a little. I fucking hated that.

"No thank you I am hoping to be a more serious hero!" I said politely while half sliding behind Sero as a refuge from her quirk. She smiled and walked back to Aizawa... I pity him.

"I do not like her quirk," I grumbled while hugging Sero from behind. The reason why I am unsure of. Once I realized what I was doing I blushed like crazy but didn't let go so that it wouldn't be awkward and not hurt his feelings cause I am an overthinker.

He laughed.

"Yeah I could tell, I myself was resisting her quirk over here as well and it was highly uncomfortable," He agreed. There was a pause. "I'm not saying I don't like you hugging but do you want to let go?" 

I blushed harder and let go quickly.

"Yeah sorry, I just wanted to um I'm sorry!" I stumbled out. "Imma go talk to Izuku!"

 I sped over to Izuku who just got out of a conversation with a kid that looked a bit like them but not.

"Hey!" I said while scratching the right side of my neck.

"Oh hey, Taika!" They smiled. I gave them an awkward smile. "Crush stuff?"

"Yeah," I said automatically and realized what I said. "Wait no! Well, maybe? Wait no just no! I...don't know,"

They laughed.

"I get it," They said smiling and looking at... I turn my head to see who they are looking at. Kirishima.

"Kirishima huh?" I asked and they blushed and rubbed the back of their neck.

"Um, yeah!" They replied and turned their gaze back to me. "Don't tell him okay?" 

"Of course!" I replied.

~I'm bored so time skipper!~ 

(After the dude explains the rules and class A is out in the preliminary exam are)

I sigh and readjust my top nervously.

~Hold up meanwhile with Aizawa and Fukukado~

"So how do you think your class is gonna do with everyone after them?" Joke said.

"I think they'll do just fine," Aizawa said and paused. "What did you think of your stepkid?" He asked.

She looked like she choked.

"My what," She asked facing him and blinking rapidly.

"The one in the pirate suit is Oboro's adopted kid," He explained.

"I kinda like her!" She smiled and shooshed up while watching the match.

~Aight back to Taika!~

Almost as soon as the exam started a whole bunch of the balls were heading towards us.

"We need to work together!" Izuku shouted but a few separated from the group and begin fighting on their own to get points.

~I'm bored so in the waiting room to start the real exam cause she passed and I don't feel like writing the probably most important part!~

~Actually fuck it I'm done she passed sorry!~

Have a good day for my jumping beans and a good night for my fellow night owls.

Your author, 


(Sorry this chapter was so crappy I lost inspiration as of currently. I'll get it back!)

(Also I still have yet to be ungrounded to post chapters so you get three to day and make 'em last the next two weeks! Or not you choose!)

And as always,

It's Wednesday mah dudes!

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