Chapter 17 (:DL:)Off Day

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Taika's POV

I glare at the wall beside me and curl further into the cave of blankets. A knock at my door was heard.

"It's open!" I mumble yell groggily.

"Aight aight! Wake up sleepy head!" Denki says coming through my door with Walmart bags and two cups of ramen noodles.

"You've come with offerings!" I smile sitting up and taking one of them.

"Of course! Now we have a whole bunch of time to hang out now that we have dorms." He says and takes a bite. I smile and giggle taking a bite myself.

A little while later we've both finished them and I get out of my blankets stacking the cups and putting the utensils in one of them and toss it into the trashcan I already set up. I stretch a little to get the sleep out.

"Good afternoon!" I say. 

"Good afternoon!" He nods.

I go downstairs and grab one of my boxes from the living room. I see a few in my class in the common area and I wave.

"The thing I like about these dorms is we can learn more about each other and togetherness! Along with what kind of people we are," Iida says while talking to Todoroki who looked bored as fuck. Iida glared at me with that last sentence.

"Hey, you know my schedule! I have a reason to sleep till noon!" I say and run up the stairs with my box. I plop it on my bed and go grab the other. I stuck my tongue out at Iida as I passed him.

"Very inappropriate sleep schedule for a hero in training, Uncle Oboro would be turning in his grave if he saw you do this," He says pushing his glasses up.

"Tell me that when you have two jobs go to hero school, tutor if needed, lived alone for four years had to pay rent and taxes and on top of that was dealing with a loss and figuring out that your biological fathers were fucking villains," I say spicely and Iida shrunk. "Yeah, my life is in shit right now so don't go lecturing me on my sleep schedule and how my dad wouldn't do this when you tried to murder someone and you still have that family member,"

"That's not very appropriate to bring up," He said. "Would Shirakumo approve of this? Oh, wait you wouldn't know since your the one responsible for his death! If you hadn't tripped then he would still be here alive and okay!"

"You don't think I think about that every day!" I say tears running down my face and instantly evaporating. "Every fucking day Iida, I know it's my fault! I didn't mean it! Hell if I could trade places with him I would in a heartbeat!" 

I ran up the stairs and evaporated the remains of my tears. I plop both of the boxes on the side of my bed.

"Get out," I say to Denki. 

"No! If anything I need to stay!" He said. I glare but he stays still.

"I'm not mad at you anymore now go away!" I say and tears run down my face again instantly evaporating with the tense emotions inside burning up. He nodded sadly and left leaving the Walmart bag. I bury myself in the covers and turn on the fan while reaching out of the sheets to grab some of the ice creams he brought and left him a few containers in the mini-fridge I put up while we were eating ramen.

"Asshole," I mutter sitting up and take a spoon out of the bag and ate the ice cream in peace. Way to ruin my day off Tenya.

[~A while later~]

I rolled my eyes when I heard pounding on my door.

"Fuck off!" I yelled not bothering to pause the show on my phone.

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