Definitely Not

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Stella had been at house 51 for around 4 months now. She was loving the atmosphere and was starting to feel at home. She got on with everyone, a little flirty with Kelly but nothing had gotten further than a little flirt here and there. She had started to become good friends with Brett and Gabby.

Everyone had arrived for shift, some mingled in the locker room and the rest in the common room getting breakfast. Stella was at the counter plating her food when she locked eyes with Kelly as he was walking in with a certain look on his face. Everyone felt the atmosphere change as Kelly approached, not knowing what was going on with him.

Stella: Something wrong lieutenant?
Kelly: No, well yeah, I've got Grissom on my back about some fancy dinner I need to attend next month.
Stella: What's so bad about going to dinner with whoever. God help men having real issues around here. She said joking trying to lift the mood.
Cruz: You haven't met Grissom.

Kelly rolled his eyes, grabbed his paper and headed for his quarters in a huff. Stella sat down with Cruz as they began to eat their food. She was worried she may of offended him or said something wrong, not knowing who or what Grissom was all about.

Stella: Is he really that bad?
Cruz: He tries to bump Kelly along, just not in the right ways. Like trying to send him down different career paths.
Stella: That sucks. I hope I didn't annoy him in any way.
Cruz: Ah Kelly's used to it. He said laughing.

Once she finished her food, she placed her plate in the dishwasher and went to find Kelly, hoping to clear the air. Whilst fixing herself up, she paused before heading towards his quarters whilst taking a deep breath. She didn't know if he wanted company, especially hers after she made a comment about Grissom. Stella could see him with his head in his hands and his elbows rested on his desk. She knocked before letting out a little smile, hoping he wasn't mad at her. Kelly's head rose from his hands as he stood up and waved her in, shutting the door behind her.

Stella: Are you okay? I didn't mean to upset you in any way before.
Kelly: I'm cool. You didn't upset me, I was just having a rough morning, car trouble and then this.
Stella: Ah, I was worried I said something wrong about the Grissom dinner?
Kelly: Nope, it's all cool. Shaking his head giving her a little smile. It's Grissom-
He was cut off by Stella's phone ringing in her pocket.
Stella: Excuse me, I have to get this. As she took her phone out noticing it was from the childminder.
Kelly gave her a little hand gesture along with a nod to simply say go ahead.
He could hear parts of the conversation and with Stella's body language and facial expressions, it didn't seem good.
Once off the phone he approached her again, asking if everything was okay.

Stella: Um I have to get to the hospital, my son was choking at the child minders and is on his way to Med. She said in a huge panic.
Kelly looked shocked as he didn't know much about Stella's personal life, let alone know she had a son. Without hesitation he grabbed his keys.
Kelly: Come on, I'll drive you.
Stella: You don't have to, I can drive.
Kelly: No, your in shock, I'll let Boden know, grab your stuff and meet me at the car.
She smiled before hurrying off to go and grab her bag and his car seat from her car.

Before long they were both on their way to Med. Boden didn't mind her leaving shift as he knew about her son, along with Gabby, but never mentioned anything as he knew it wasn't his place to say.
Kelly broke the silence in the car as he could see Stella in a state of worry.
Kelly: So, you have a son huh? How old is he?
Stella: Yeah, he's amazing a real little character, he'll be 3 next month. She said smiling.
Kelly: I'm sure he'll be okay if he's anything like you. He said as he grabbed her arm to comfort her.
Stella: I hope so! She looked up at him and let out a little smile.
As they arrived Stella's smile instantly dropped again as she was dreading what was to come.
Kelly: Hey, don't worry, he's in the best hands here. He said as he noticed her become more nervous as they pulled up and walked towards the entrance.

Kelly and Stella headed into Med and towards the que for the reception desk to ask for information. Stella sighed as she noticed the que was quite long, she couldn't hold back any more and let out a tear, trying to wipe it before anyone saw.
Kelly: You don't have to hold back, let it out. He said as he noticed she was trying not to cry.
Stella: I know it's just-
Kelly: Here I'll see if April knows anything. He said cutting her off. He shouted from across the room, catching April's attention as she was heading into the ED.
After speaking with April he waved Stella over from out of the que.

April: What's his name? She said ready to enter it into the IPad.
Stella: Um Freddie. Freddie Kidd. She said her voice shaking. Kelly placed his arm across Stella's shoulder to comfort her.
Within seconds they were on their way into the room where Freddie was. He locked eyes with Stella and squealed in excitement as he saw her.
Stella: Freddie, hi baby. She said hurrying in towards him on the bed hugging him tight. Kelly smiled as he stood leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. April nudged him and told her she was leaving as she had to get back to work.
April: He's totally fine, he'll be able to go home soon.
He hugged her and kissed her cheek as she left, Stella noticed them as she looked up from Freddie and over to Kelly. Stella was confused as she thought he was single, who even was April? She was brought back from her thoughts as the childminder was leaving.

Stella: You can come in and say hi you know. She said smiling over at Kelly.
Kelly: I know, I don't want to overstep, won't his dad be here soon? Kelly asked as he walked over and stood at the opposite side of the bed to Stella.
Stella: Definitely not. She said as she let out a little sarcastic laugh.
Kelly: Hi bud. He said as he held his hand out for a high five off of Freddie.
He smiled looking up at Kelly and giggled smacking his hand onto Kelly's.
Stella: April seems nice. She said as she smiled at him.
Kelly: Yeah, she's the best. He said looking back over at Stella as her smile soon disappeared. Childhood friends. He quickly said - having no reason to reassure her but did anyway.
Kelly stayed with them both until Freddie was being discharged and ready to go home.

Stella: Come on baby, time to go home. She said as she gathered his things.
Freddie held his arms out at Kelly insisting he picked him up.
Kelly: Hey bud, come on let's go. He said as he picked him up making silly noises to make him giggle.
Stella: Sorry, you don't have to- as she was cut off.
Kelly: Nope, Freddie's the boss, if he wants me to carry him then I will.
All she could do was laugh as they walked out and headed to the car.
Stella: We can get a cab, it's no issue. She said a little worried as she was taking Kelly's time.
Kelly: Nonsense, I'm taking you. Come on Freds. He said already giving his new buddy a nickname.
She instantly got butterflies not knowing why. She loved how accepting he was, they weren't even together but he instantly treated Fred like the little Prince he is.

Kelly dropped them home and insisted Stella give him her car keys so he could go back and get her car for her from the station.
Stella: Kelly you don't have to. You've already done more than enough.
Kelly: No ifs or buts, I'll get it from the firehouse and bring it over for you. He was hoping to get a little more time with Stella.
Stella: At least let me do something in return, you know for you being so helpful. She said connecting her eyes to his smiling. How about I make you dinner when you come and drop it off? She insisted.
Kelly: Sure, sounds great. He said as he rubbed the top of Freddie's head saying bye. See you later bud! You too! He said as he grabbed Stella for a hug before leaving.

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