It can wait

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The next morning, Stella woke to Kelly grabbing their breakfast from the hotel staff.

Kelly: Morning baby.
Stella: Morning. How long have you been awake?
Kelly: A while. I wanted you to rest a little.
Stella: Thank you for the extra rest, I feel like a new woman. She laughed.
Kelly: You deserve it. Here I got you pancakes, fruit and some yogurt.
Stella: Did I ever tell you how much I love you? She smiled as she made her way over to him.
Kelly: Hmm. He giggled. You show me every day.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as she leant up to kiss him.

Stella: Not going to lie, I've enjoyed a little us time, but I'm so ready to see my babies.
Kelly: Me too, I miss them. I miss you all when I'm at work too. So much.
Stella: I know babe, it's hard. I don't know how I'll cope going back to work. I'll miss them too much. She said still wrapped in each other's arms as they stood.
Kelly: I'm with you with whatever you decide to do, always.
Stella: Thank you. She said softly.
Kelly: I think we should start planning this wedding.
Stella: Ouh, I can't wait to marry you.
Kelly: I can't wait for you to be mine forever.
Stella: I already am. I'm never letting you go. I love you too much.
Kelly: I'm gonna show you how much I love you. He said smirking as he grabbed onto her ass firmly.
Stella: You already do. She paused as she bit her lip slightly. But, I'll take it.
Kelly: Man I really just can't get enough.
Stella: Good. She smirked as she kissed him.


He walked her back slowly as they fell onto the bed.

Kelly: What about the food? He asked between kisses.
Stella: It can wait. She giggled a little as she kissed him again.

Their kiss got more passionate as he felt all over her body. Moving his hands up to her neck as he slightly held onto her. He nudged her legs as he slid into her, slowly finding his rhythm as she moaned freely.

Stella: Faster Kelly. She moaned.

And he began thrusting his hips faster as she hooked her arms around him, feeling over his back. Digging her nails with the pleasure. She pushed him over as she climbed on top, sliding his dick back into her as she began to grind. On hand held onto her boob as the other her waist, guiding her movement. She began to bounce, it slowly becoming less as she felt Kelly thrust into her as they finished up.


Stella: Oh my god. Honestly. Everything you do.
Kelly: You're amazing! They lay both coming back to their senses.
Stella: I definitely need that food now.
Kelly: Let's eat babe.

They sat to eat as they talked a little.

Kelly: Anything you'd like to do before we head back home?
Stella: A walk around would be nice.
Kelly: Sure you got it babe.

They finished up eating and headed out to walk around the grounds. She held onto his arm as they walked.

Kelly: You know, I love how peaceful this is.
Stella: I know, I love listening to the birds.
Kelly: Maybe we should take the babies up to the cabin one weekend?
Stella: Oh my yes! We need too, I miss that place.
Kelly: Next weekend babe.
Stella: Definitely. She smiled at him.
Kelly: That's that then. I can't wait to show Freddie how to fish.
Stella: You're sweet.

She loved how excited he got whenever he could do things as a family, it made her love him even more.

They walked a little, taking in the scenery.

Stella: Thank you for bringing me here, it's been so nice just us two.
Kelly: Yes, it definitely has. He smirked.
Stella: Okay and that. She smiled knowing him all too well. It's been nice to be able to just talk without having to think about which baby needs me and all that stuff.
Kelly: I get you, and I'm thankful for you, being the best mommy to our babies.
Stella: I try my best, it's sure as hell not easy but I'm learning.
Kelly: You got it down baby, they are loved. That's the main thing.
Stella: I love you so much.
Kelly: I love you.

They headed in, packed their things and made their way home. They were met by Freddie running and jumping at them as they entered.

Freddie: Mommy, Daddy. I missed you.
Kelly: We missed you too buddy.
Stella: Oh baby. She embraced him as he wrapped his arms around her.
Kelly: How have they been? He asked as he made his way to the lounge.
Jen: Perfect, Savannah is really a dream and Freddie is an angel.
Kim: You two should be so proud of these babies.
Stella: More than proud. She smiled as she took hold of Savannah. Taking in every little detail of her.
Kelly: I second that.

They all sat a while catching up as time passed by, they ordered takeout for dinner and cosied up on the sofa.

Kelly: I'm gonna head to bed babe.
Stella: Okay, I'm coming too. She said softly.
Kelly: You don't have to, finish the film babe.
Stella: I'm tired and I wanna cuddle.

He held his hand out as she followed him, leading her upstairs. They stripped down and got into bed.

Kelly: Come here you. He pulled her into him a little more as he wrapped his arms around her.
Stella: You make me feel so safe and content.
Kelly: Safe? He questioned her. Safe from what?
Stella: Just in general, whenever I'm here with you I know everything's alright. It makes me feel safe.
Kelly: I always got you. You're always safe with me. He kissed her head gently.
Stella: I know it may sound silly, but you just have that effect.
Kelly: It's not silly, if that's how you feel it's how you feel. But just know I got you baby.
Stella: I love you.
Kelly: You know I love you.

He embraced her touch as she cuddled into him. Truth was, he felt just as safe and calm with her. He teased a little grabbing her boobs.

Stella: I knew that was coming. She laughed.
Kelly: Well, I mean what can I say?
Stella: You don't gotta say anything. I just know.
Kelly: And the ass. He smirked moving his hands down to feel.
Stella: You always make me feel so good.
Kelly: Good. He lay feeling her cheeks.
Stella: I didn't feel as good about myself after giving birth, but you. You make me feel so special.
Kelly: You are even more beautiful. Carrying our baby was so special to see. You're wonderful.
Stella: Hmmm you see, again. She could feel herself smiling from ear to ear.
Kelly: I'm serious tho, you're one hot mama and I'm definitely a lucky guy.
Stella: You're too sweet baby.
Kelly: I try, I try. He giggled.

They lay for a while before drifting off to sleep. Content as they lay snuggled in each other's arms.

Stella & Severide: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now