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The next morning, Stella was woken with the smell of food lingering from the kitchen. She got herself out of bed, put on her robe and made her way into the kitchen area. She made her way towards Kelly, wrapping her arms around his waist as she left a gentle kiss on his bare back.

Kelly: Morning you. He said turning his head slightly as he was cooking.
Stella: Morning, how long have you been up?
Kelly: Not too long, about an hour.
Stella: Thank you for getting up with Savannah. I needed that extra sleep after you wore me out. She giggled still wrapped around him.
Kelly: Oh I wore you out huh? He laughed. You did just as much.
Stella: You look hot this morning. She held a little tighter as she embraced his naked back a little more.
Kelly: Oh is that so?
Stella: You always do. She smiled as Freddie entered from his bedroom.
Kelly: Morning buddy.
Stella: Hey baby, good morning. She opened her arms to pick him up.

Kelly finished cooking their breakfast as Stella held Freddie a little, cuddling him. He placed Savannah in her little chair and set the table.

Stella: Do you need help babe?
Kelly: No it's okay, let Freds have some cuddles. He smiled in awe of them as Freddie had his arms wrapped around her.
Stella: I hate how big he's getting. I wish he'd stay my baby forever.
Kelly: I know, it's crazy how much he's grown in a year. It's crazy to think how fast it's gone.
Stella: I know babe. Savannah's going to be growing just as fast, it's scary. She said as she sat down to eat.
Kelly: We'll be alright.
Stella: We got you, we definitely will be. She smiled at him.

They ate cleaned up and got ready for the day. Kelly packed some lunch and got things ready to head out onto the boat.

Kelly: Look what daddy got for you Freddie. He pulled out a small fishing rod.
Freddie: Yay I'm gonna catch a fish!
Stella: Daddy can teach you today on the boat. She smiled watching him get excited.
Kelly: Come on, get ready and we'll head out.
Stella: Who you changing today, Freddie or Savannah?
Kelly: I'll take Fred babe, Savannah looks cosy on you.

Kelly took Freddie to change whilst Stella sorted Savannah, feeding her and changing her ready to leave.

Kelly: I packed some lunch for us babe.
Stella: Ah good idea, you always got us covered. She smiled leaving a soft kiss on his lips.
Kelly: Always. He smiled.
Stella: Come on, let's get on that boat. She said as she saw Freddie getting even more excited.

They headed out and around to the dock. Kelly helping each of them onto the boat. He grabbed the life vests, passing one to Stella as he put Freddie's on him. He sat him next to Stella as he drove the boat into the middle of the lake, dropping the anchor into place.

Kelly: Here should do.
Stella: Savannah's asleep so we're all yours. She smiled.
Kelly: Good, let's fish. He got excited as he pulled out the fishing rods. A mini one for Freddie.

Kelly set them up and taught the basics of fishing, helping him hold the rod and guiding him with what he needed to do. Stella sat and watched in awe. The bond between them was something special. It was so sweet to see.

They sat a while and waited for any movement on the line, just as Kelly was turning to grab Savannah, Freddie's line pulled.

Freddie: Daddy look! He shouted.
Kelly: Oh my god buddy you got one. Here!

He got Freddie in front of him, guiding him as he reeled it in. He placed Freddie's small hands where his were and helped him with the rod.

Freddie: Mommy! He squealed. We got one.
Stella: Well done baby! Keep going you're doing great.
Kelly: Pull Fred. He said as he moved his arms with his.

Kelly grabbed the net and scooped the fish out of the water and into a bucket filled with water on the boat.

Kelly: Woohoo. Look at that beauty. He shouted with Freddie jumping up and down with excitement.
Stella: I love how excited you both are. She smiled as she looked at the fish with them.
Kelly: This is huge. He looked at Stella as she smirked a little.
Stella: Sure is. She laughed as they caught on to each other's jokes.
Freddie: Daddy it's swimming. He shouted catching his attention back.
Kelly: It is buddy. We gotta put him back though.
Freddie: Why can't we keep him?
Kelly: He's going to go back in the water to his mommy and daddy.
Freddie: Okay. He said a little saddened. I really loved him.
Stella: There's a lot more you can try and catch baby, we just have to put them back with their mommies.
Freddie: Okay.
Stella: Here baby come eat some lunch.

She spread out their little picnic on the boat as they all ate. Savannah was napping so Stella was free for the moment.

Kelly: I'm gonna grill us some steak when we're back.
Stella: Oh yes I love a steak.
Kelly: Something meaty. He joked again.
Stella: Kelly. Stop. She laughed.
Kelly: I didn't do anything. He smirked.
Stella: Sure, sure. She leaned over to kiss him.
Kelly: Should we head back?
Stella: Sure, Freddie looks tired.

Kelly packed the fishing things up and drove the boat back to the dock. Freddie had fallen asleep on Stella. Kelly picked him up and carried him back to the cabin as Stella pushed Savannah in the stroller.

Kelly: I think that's him for the night. He met Stella back in the lounge.
Stella: He tired himself out with all the excitement. She smiled as she sat on the sofa.
Kelly: Savannah's looks like she's out of it too. He laughed.
Stella: She sure does, all the milk and fresh air tired her out.
Kelly: I loved today, seeing him so excited with something I love so much. In a place which I love so much. With you and the babies. He sat with her as he got thoughtful.
Stella: I'm glad you spent today with him, he really enjoyed it.
Kelly: I loved it. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her close to him.
Stella: I think you should leave the grill, I just wanna lay with you.
Kelly: Why what's wrong?
Stella: Nothing. I'm just happy lay here with you.
Kelly: Good.
Stella: I can't stop thinking about how cute you and Fred were catching that fish. She smiled as she lay back on him.
Kelly: I loved it. I really did. I'm glad we caught one.
Stella: So did he. He adores you so much.
Kelly: I just love him to bits. It's crazy how much he changed me.
Stella: I love you.
Kelly: I love you more. Know that.

They lay a little while longer. Reminiscing about how sweet their day was and how much fun they had. Kelly of course got a little touchy before both heading to bed.

Spending the night cuddled up, talking a little more about their day and how sweet things are.

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