I'm concentrating

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Her phone buzzed just as she was getting into the shower. She could never sleep well when Kelly was on shift and had the bed to herself. She always felt comfort knowing her man was wrapped around her under the sheets. She quickly turned her phone as Kelly's name appeared on the screen.

Stella: Hey, everything okay?
Kelly: I didn't expect you to be awake it's still early. He chuckled to himself.
Stella: Yeah, couldn't sleep so I was literally just about to jump in the shower before you rang.
Kelly: Ah okay, now my mind is wandering at that thought. He said as he could hear the water in the background.
Stella: Oh really, you're missing out. She giggled.
Kelly: I am, I'll make up for it later. He smirked to himself, the same reaction from her as if they were in the same room.
Stella: Did you need me? Or did you just miss me huh?
Kelly: Shit yeah, It's Gabby, her waters have broke, she's on her way to med now.
Stella: WHAT! She shouted, shushing herself trying not to wake the babies.
Kelly: Yeah, she said to call and let you know but not to rush, I'll pick you up after shift and we can go over to med.
Stella: Okay, how long will you be? Just so I can shower and be ready, I'll get aunt to watch the babies for now.
Kelly: Well I just got back from a call, I'm gonna hit the showers and I'll be on my way home. It was a hazmat call so I need to scrub off.
Stella: Sure baby, I'll be ready for when you're here.
Kelly: Okay, love you.
Stella: You too!

With that they both showered. Stella quickly dried off and got dressed, heading downstairs to find Kim.

Stella: Hey you're up?
Kim: Yeah, I had an early night so. She smiled as she shrugged her shoulders.
Stella: Ah yeah.
Kim: What's up baby?
Stella: Ah well Gabby's waters have broke and I, well me and Kelly-
Kim: Yes go, I've got the babies, get yourself over there. She squealed in excitement.
Stella: Thank you! So much. I've pumped a little more and there's milk already froze for her, Freddie-
Kim: Stella baby, I got this you get over there. She laughed cutting her off as she began to ramble.
Stella: Thank you. Her head jolting as she heard the beep of a car. Ah that's Kelly. I love you auntie!
Kim: You too baby, give Gabby my love! She shouted as she ran for the door.

She headed out, piling herself into Kelly's car as she placed the gifts into the back seat.

Stella: Hey handsome, you missed a real good shower then. She smirked before leaning in to kiss him.
Kelly: Girl you're trouble. He laughed as he met her half way for the kiss.
Stella: I know. But you love it.
Kelly: Fuck yeah I do.

With that he set off. His hand placed gently on Stella's thigh as he drove, her eyeing him up every so often as she took a glance at him. He made gentle movements, rubbing her thigh, grabbing every so often as he'd then carry on the movements.

Stella: You're such a tease. She looked at him as a smirk covered his face.
Kelly: I know. He laughed, inching his hand further up her thigh.
Stella: Concentrate please. She let out a nervous giggle.
Kelly: I am. I'm concentrating. You know I can multitask right.
Stella: Oh you can huh?

Luckily for her, they arrived at med. Kelly parked the car and headed to the maternity entrance. They walked, Kelly taking her hand as she interlocked her fingers with his.

Stella: I love your hands. She said as she lifted to admire them a little as they walked.
Kelly: You're so random, but cute. He giggled.
Stella: What? She laughed. I do.
Kelly: Ah April. He called out for her as he noticed her at the front desk.
April: Gabby? She's up in the delivery. A healthy baby, mom did great.
Stella: Can we go up and see her?
April: Sure, she was asking for you. Room 3. She smiled.
Kelly: Thank you!h
Stella: I like her. She got back to chatting as they walked to the room.
Kelly: I've not seen her properly for a while, might be good to catch up.
Stella: I used to think you two were dating. She laughed as they entered the elevator.
Kelly: Everyone says that. But nope, we had a fling in high school but we've always just been really close friends, she helped me a lot back then.

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