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A week had flown by. Kelly had been sleeping in the outside annex at the end of the backyard, which was meant for Kim. Kim had taken one of the spare rooms and Freddie was settled into his new bedroom. Kelly and Stella hadn't spoken much. They made sure to act fairly normal around Freddie, however, the tension was definitely building. At home and and work.

Kelly: Here buddy, grab your books.
Freddie: Sure daddy.
Kelly: We gotta leave or we'll be late.

He grabbed his bag and was on his way, Kelly strapped him into his seat in the car before heading to the childminders before work. Stella drove straight to work.

Stella: Hey.
Gabby: Still nothing?
Stella: Nope. We have an appointment to check the baby, I don't even know what to do with that.
Gabby: I definitely know he wouldn't miss it.
Stella: I don't want it to be awkward for him. You know.
Gabby: It won't be, it's his child after all, you'll be fine.
Stella: I guess.

Calls were flying in today, none of them had seemed to catch a break. It was good for Stella in a way, to keep herself busy so she wouldn't think too much of her situation with Kelly. She knew her answer, she just wanted him to have the space she thought he needed.

Stella: Hey. She said as she knocked on his quarters, her voice saddened.
Kelly: What's up?
Stella: Nothing. We have an appointment in the morning for the baby. I just thought, well I wanted to check if you are coming. I can go on my own, I don't know just wanted to check beforehand.
Kelly: Hey, I'll be there. I wouldn't miss it. He said as he stood and grabbed her hands gently.
Stella: If you're sure, I just didn't want you to feel awkward.
Kelly: Look, this with us right now, it ain't gonna stop me loving this baby or our boy. Or you. He said softly.
Stella: Kelly you don't have to-
Kelly: No, I'm just saying. Don't think you can't come tell me things because of the space between us right now.
Stella: I know. She said as he hugged her.

Her embracing his touch a little more than usual. She missed him. Kelly knew she needed time to sort herself, but the truth, it was hurting him just as bad. Not being able to comfort her the way he usually would. He missed her.

Kelly: I'll meet you home in the morning and I'll drive us. Together.
Stella: Okay. She said softly as she nodded.

He stood and watched her walk away. The sinking feeling he got was indescribable. He hated the distance, although he knew it was necessary, he hated it.

Matt: Still trouble in paradise? As he saw Kelly in the hallway.
Kelly: Ah, yeah, I miss her man, I know we're still together, it's just not the same when we're like this.
Matt: Why don't you just tell her?
Kelly: I wish I could, I wanted to give her time to sort out but man it's hard.
Matt: I get ya bud, hang in there yeah.

He smiled as he left Kelly in the hall, shouting Chief to get his attention as Stella stood around the corner. She heard every word as her heart broke even more.

Calls started to get quiet as shift was coming to an end. Everyone was worn out with how much of a crazy shift it had been.

Stella: Hey you still okay for today?
Kelly: Of course, wouldn't miss it. I'll follow you home and we can go from there.
Stella: Sure. She smiled.

They both headed home in their separate cars. Stella sorted Freddie's breakfast as Kelly headed upstairs to shower.

Stella: Auntie I'm just gonna change, do you need anything else for Fred or is he good to go?
Kim: Just his shoes on we got it.
Stella: Okay have a good day baby. She said kissing him on his head.

She headed to her room, stripping off, not realising Kelly was in the en-suite shower.

Kelly: Shoot sorry. He said as he entered the bedroom.
Stella: My fault. She smiled as she looked him up and down, stood in his towel.
Kelly: I'll change next door.

He wasn't sure what to do, with not knowing how comfortable or how awkward it could be, he offered. Trying to be polite.

Stella: No. Stay. Please, you're fine to change there. I miss seeing you.
Kelly: I miss you. He said softly.
Stella: I was thinking, could we maybe talk later? Once we're back from our appointment? She kept her eyes on him as he changed, taking in every little detail as if she had never seen before.
Kelly: Of course, whatever you need. Come here?

She made her way towards him slowly as she stood in her underwear. He wrapped his arms around her gently.

Kelly: I miss you.
Stella: I miss you so much. She said as she embraced his touch.

They stood for a while, not moving as they cuddled each other.

Kelly: We should get ready or we'll be late. He smiled as he distracted himself from her.
Stella: Sure and um, that might need sorting. She laughed as she looked down at the bulge in his boxers.
Kelly: I'm sorry you just look so fine. He joined her laughing.
Stella: Come on. She kissed his cheek gently before heading to her closet to change.

They both changed and headed out to Kelly's car. He'd always offer to drive, especially after shift as he knew how tiring it was on her. More so now with her being pregnant.

They arrived at the appointment with only minutes to spare. They managed to sit, shortly after they were called in. Stella lay on the bed whilst Kelly sat at the side. She grabbed his hand gently for comfort as she stroked her fingers over his.

Kelly: You okay? He whispered.
Stella: Yeah, I always get nervous I don't know why.
Kelly: Hey, I got you. He smiled.

The nurse proceeded to gel Stella's stomach and got on with the ultrasound.

Kelly: Oh my god look, an actually little baby.
Stella: What else would it be? She giggled.
Kelly: No. I mean it doesn't look like a little bean anymore. He was in awe as they heard the strong heartbeat.
Nurse: Do you want to know the sex?

Stella and Kelly both looked at each other. Unsure as to what they were both thinking.

Nurse: I can put it in an envelope for you, that way you can decide if you'd like or not.
Kelly: That's a great idea.
Stella: Yes please!

She wrote in the envelope, sealing it before handing it over to Kelly. She wiped the gel off of Stella's bump and switched the lights.

Nurse: Everything is perfect. A strong little heart beat and baby is growing just fine. You're doing great mama.
Kelly: She sure is. He smiled.

Stella loved him even more than ever. She knew she had to have him back.

Nurse: I'd advise to avoid any extra stress, lots of water.
Stella: Anything else you'd suggest? Home remedies or anything.
Nurse: Just keep doing what you're doing. Sex is good for pregnancies. A smile instantly grew across Kelly's face.
Kelly: That's good to hear. He smirked.
Nurse: You're all done. You can book your next appointment at the reception desk on your way out.
Stella: Thank you so much.
Kelly: Thank you!

They made their appointment and headed home. Something was different about her, Kelly felt the tension had dropped. Although the drive home was pretty quiet, he could see her often glance at him as he drove. Her checking him out as she loved to do so. He was handsome.

Stella & Severide: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now