Time to get drunk

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Kelly was getting ready to head out for his bachelor party.

Kelly: Babe does this look okay? He shouted into the bathroom as he entered, poking his head around the glass of the shower.
Stella: Ouh yes, you look hot. She smiled, turning as she moved from underneath the water.
Kelly: Thanks babe, I wasn't sure on the jacket? He shrugged.
Stella: No, yes, definitely the jacket. You look good.
Kelly: Maybe I should delay and spend some time with you huh? He smirked, grabbing her waist as she wrapped the towel around her.
Stella: As much as I'd love to, and I'm gonna miss you. But babe, this is your day. I'll see you, my soon to be husband, in two days.
Kelly: Man this is gonna suck being away from you, we should just get married already.
Stella: Gabby would literally kill us. And you know it. She left a quick kiss to his lips.
Kelly: You're right. He chuckled.

Stella made her way into the bedroom to change, Kelly following close behind, lowering himself onto the bed as he watched her drop her towel. His mind completely racing as he watched her majestic ways. Stella noticing him drooling over her as she looked into the mirror.

Stella: Stop. She laughed, noticing him watching her. You need to go soon.
Kelly: I know. I'm just enjoying the view.
Stella: I can see. Rolling her eyes playfully at him.
Kelly: Man my mind is gonna be busy all day.
Stella: Oh is that so? She made her way towards him as she slid on her thong.
Kelly: Damn right, especially when you walk around like that. He sat biting his lip as she stood in front of him.
Stella: Well. She paused, cupping his cheeks with her hands. Keep that mind busy. She smirked before kissing him deeply, only breaking away when needing air.
Kelly: Oh it will be. He looked up at her as his hands roamed her body. Our wedding night is gonna be something you know.
Stella: I can't wait baby. Now you gotta go you're gonna be late and I have to pack.
Kelly: I can't believe I get to call you my wife in 48 hours. He smiled, his hands still roaming as he stopped at her ass.
Stella: I know, I I'll miss you, but it'll be worth it afterwards. Now go babe. She smiled, kissing him once more.

Kelly kissed her deeply before pulling away, watching her go back to getting herself dressed. Every little detail made him crazy. He finally said his goodbyes as he made his way down as he waited on his cab. They had decided that Kelly would stay home with the rest of the men and Stella was to go and stay with Gabby with the girls.

Stella: Have fun baby! She shouted through the window as he climbed into his cab.

Kelly smiled as he looked back, driving away. He made his way to the first venue, picking Matt and Jay up on the way as Stella got back to packing her bag. The reality was hitting, that in 48 hours, she was going to be married to the love of her life, and finally be settled with her little family.

Kelly met up with the others and arrived at their first venue. Matt and Jay had planned the full day, visiting their favourite pubs and clubs in Chicago, then making their way up to a hotel near the cabin tomorrow.

Their first stop. Kev and Adam were already in and had drinks ready.

Kev: Here you go, first ones on me. Congratulations man. He shook his hand before bringing him into a brotherly hug and handing him the drink.
Kelly: Cheers man. Time to get drunk. He laughed as they began to drink.
Matt: Let's get drunk! He cheered, the others joining him as they clinked their glasses.

They spent their first half of the afternoon playing pool, darts and drinking a hefty amount of alcohol before taking the party back to Kelly's.

Kim and Jen had taken the babies for the two nights before the wedding, taking them up to the cabin, preparing for the big day whilst the two enjoyed their bachelor parties.

The guys made their way to Kelly's in a cab, already feeling a little tipsy. Stella had set up a poker table for them to finish their party at home.

Kelly: Right, I gotta pee then I'm gonna kick all your butts at poker. He laughed as he made his way upstairs, through his bedroom and into the en-suite.
Stella: Shit, I thought you'd be another hour yet! Surprised as he entered as she was rummaging in her drawers.
Kelly: Huh? I thought you was at Gabby's by now? He shouted from the bathroom.
Stella: I was, I forgot a couple things so had to come back.
Kelly: Don't leave yet. He shouted as he was washing his hands.
Stella: I'm not, I wouldn't leave without a goodbye. She stood waiting on him with her duffle bag draped gently over her shoulder.
Kelly: What did you forget? He smiled as he placed a kiss on her lips, placing his hands gently on her waist as he stood. The whisky on his breath lingering as he spoke so close to her.
Stella: Just some bits, how much did you drink already huh? She laughed.
Kelly: Enough. He chuckled. Man I wish you wasn't leaving, what I'd do to just be with you right now. I love those guys downstairs but man. You are everything to me.
Stella: Drunk talk? She asked as she laughed a little as she wrapped her arms around his neck, his moving to the bottom of her back as he held her close.
Kelly: No, I mean yes I'm a little drunk. But I still know how much you mean to me and how much I love you.
Stella: I love you too, so much.
Kelly: Can you not stay, I'll just suddenly become sick? He tilted his head slightly as he smirked at her.
Stella: Nope, you gotta go have some fun with your guests. But, you can give me a kiss before you do. Her lips curving into a mischievous smile.
Kelly: Just a kiss? He threw his head back laughing. This is literally torture.
Stella: Yes, just a kiss. She laughed. Come on, I need to make a move. She moved her hands to the back of his head.

He kissed her, making it as intense as possible before needing to pull back for air.

Stella: Tease. She smirked before picking up her duffle bag.
Kelly: Well, just think of me and that kiss tomorrow when you're out huh.
Stella: Oh. I will.

Stella left, leaving Kelly and the rest of the men to finish their party. Starting with a game of poker which Kelly took charge and won. Matt winning the second and jay taking the third.

Kelly poured a small glass of whiskey for them all as he opened his special bottle, along with his most expensive cigars.  He handed them all out with the drinks as they sat and talked.

Kelly: I'd just like to say. Thank you for being with me today. Never would I have ever thought I'd meet and fall in love with someone as amazing as Stella. That woman is my life and I'm glad I get to share a part of that with you lot. She's changed me and made me a better man, the man I hope to be a role model to Freddie, as long with all his uncles here.
Kev: I thought I'd never see the day, Kelly Severide settled down and married.
Matt: You're not the only one. He laughed.
Boden: I've watched you grow into such an amazing man Kelly, your dad would be proud.
Kelly: It means a lot, I've got Stella to thank for that, I knew she was the one from the get go.
Jay: So happy for you man.
Kelly: Cheers to all of you!  He held up his glass as he clinked, cheers filling the room.

The rest of the night was spent listening to music, Boden showing them some old soul music. Smoking cigars and drinking Kelly's finest whiskey.

It was bliss.

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