Talk to her man

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Their last full day had soon arrived.

Kelly had for sure tanned.

Stella: Look how white your butt is compared to the rest of you! She laughed as he stripped off for the shower.
Kelly: I know, I didn't think I'd tanned so much until I noticed the white parts. He joined her laughing.
Stella: Kinda funny, it looks like you still got white shorts on.

He goofed off a little shaking his butt before entering the shower. Whilst he was showering, Stella had decided to start on packing. There wasn't much to pack as they'd spent most of their holiday in swimwear but the place for sure needed sprucing up.

Kelly: Hey I can help with that, you don't gotta do it all!
Stella: It's okay, I like to keep myself busy.
Kelly: I can sure help with that. He smirked cheekily at her as he messed with his towel slightly.
Stella: Um, we gotta pack! She laughed as he stood.
Kelly: I know, I know. I hope we still get our alone time back home. He smirked.
Stella: Well... She stood and approached him slowly. You know our house will be ready when we're back.
Kelly: Yes. He nodded.
Stella: We have a whole space for ourselves, however you like it.
Kelly: Ouh, I love the sound of that. We gotta hit that as soon as we're in. He winked at her.
Stella: And I love the sound of that. She smiled. I'm gonna shower.
Kelly: Okay sure. He said before leaning in and kissing her.

As she stripped, her bump had definitely popped out.

Kelly: Oh look at your bump. That is the cutest!
Stella: It for sure has popped a little. She smiled as she ran her hands over it, stood naked.
Kelly: I love it.
Stella: Me too! She smiled as she embraced it.

Kelly looked at her in awe as he ran his hands over her small bump.

Kelly: Hey little one, daddy loves you so much already. He said softly.
Stella: I love you Kelly.
Kelly: Hey I love you so much, you know that.
Stella: Of course!
Kelly: You got me always.
Stella: For sure baby. I'll be 10 minutes, I gotta shower than we can head down.
Kelly: I can make it longer if you like. He grinned.
Stella: I'll be 10 minutes. She laughed as she left him for the shower.

His eyes were fixed on her as she walked away. Just knowing what he had with her was so pure, he was so in love.

The day went on, they spent their last day around the pool soaking up the last of the sun. Their cases were packed and ready for them to leave.

Kelly: I just gotta say, I've had the best time with y'all this holiday.
Stella: Me too!
Gabby: It sure has been the best yet!
Matt: Plenty more to come, especially when the little ones here!

Gabby and Stella shared a look as they sat around the pool. Kelly and Matt played in the pool with the boys as the girls caught the last of the sun.

Stella: I spoke with Kelly, he says Matt has been talking about the new baby and how much he's excited. I think you should just ask him about it.
Gabby: Well he definitely went at it last night. I think I'm going to talk to him when we're home.
Stella: Woo go girl. She laughed.

The boys could see them all excited over something, just unsure of what.

Kelly: Someone's happy. He said as they stood in the water looking over.
Matt: I know. He laughed. I think I want another baby.
Kelly: Hey that's great man! He shouted as he threw his hands up, tapping his back.
Matt: I'm not sure if Gabby does though. I mean we've made the most of this child free time but I'm just not sure.
Kelly: Talk to her man. Only way you're gonna know for sure! He laughed.

After a couple of hours by the pool, they gathered their things, dried off and changed before heading to the lobby. They packed their cases onto the hotel transport and headed for the airport.

Kelly: I'm gonna miss this heat!
Stella: I'll be glad to get out of it, being pregnant in this heat is hard work.
Kelly: You handled it like a boss! He said as he kissed her cheek before they boarded the plane. Everyone sat as the air hostess went through the usual safety briefing.

Before they knew it they were off and up in the air. Freddie had fallen asleep on Kelly's lap as he stroked his hair gently.

Kelly: God damn I love this little boy. He said softly at Stella.
Stella: I know you do, he adores you so much!
Kelly: Thank you for bringing him into my life, the both of you. I'm so grateful.
Stella: You're one in a million.

She smiled uncontrollably at him as he placed his hand on her thigh. It was a comfort thing for him. Soon after, Stella fell asleep as she nuzzled her head onto Kelly's chest. He was content.

They soon landed managing to sleep most of their flight. Freddie and Louie were angels as usual.

Kelly: I'll just grab the bags and then we'll be good to head home, our cab is waiting.
Stella: Come on boys. She shouted over to Freddie and Louie playing.
Gabby: Thank you for such a great time, it's been the best. She said as she hugged Stella.
Stella: Always, we'll plan a cabin trip in a few months, I can't wait to show you how beautiful it is.
Gabby: For sure, we'll look forward to it.

They said their goodbyes and headed home in their separate cabs. Stella, Kelly, Kim and Freddie all headed back to the apartment. They had to organise to have their belongings moved to their new house before they could stay there. That was definitely on the top of Kelly's to-do list.

Their cab pulled up to the apartment block and helped pull their bags out of the trunk. Stella had a sudden sinking feeling in her gut, it rushed through her body. She tried to shake it off. She grabbed ahold of Freddie's hand tightly as they headed up to the apartment.

Kelly pulled the bags, stopping as he got to the front door, which was slightly ajar.

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