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Kelly left Stella's house, dropped his car at his apartment and headed back to the firehouse to update Boden and the rest of the house. As he walked across the apparatus floor he was greeted by Gabby.

Gabby: How are they? Is Freddie okay? How's Stella? She said quite concerned.
Kelly: Woah, they're all good, I dropped them back home, Freddie's fine. A proper little character isn't he?
Gabby: Good and yeah, he's super cute.
Gabby sighed in relief as Kelly headed off towards Boden's office to update him.

Kelly: Hey chief! He said as he knocked on the door.
Boden: Kelly! How's Stella holding up? He asked concerned.
Kelly: She's okay, I think she is anyway, Freddie's all good, she's just a little shaken.
Boden: Is she home now or-?
Kelly: Yeah, I just dropped her and Freddie off before I came back.
Boden: She shouldn't be alone, did she have any family with her?
Kelly: Nope, just her and Freddie, I can go and check on them if you want?
Boden: Sure, take the shift off, just make sure she's okay and has everything she needs. She needs her 51 family at least!
Kelly nodded as he lifted himself up out of the chair before leaving his office.

Kelly finished with his paperwork, got changed, grabbed his bag from his locker and headed out to Stella's car. He was a little early for dinner but decided to go straight to her place anyway.

Stella was prepping the food ready for dinner when she heard a knock at the door. She was dressed in a loose oversized shirt and her comfy shorts. Her hair was shoved on top of her head in a bun. She hesitated before opening the door as she wasn't expecting anyone until later on. She opened the door and Kelly was there, holding her car keys up as he said hi. Freddie was playing with his trucks as he heard Kelly's voice. He ran towards him jumping into his arms as he bent down to say hi.

Stella: Sorry, excuse how I look, I thought you were coming later. She said a little embarrassed.
Kelly: Ah yeah sorry, chief gave me the rest of shift off so gathered I'd just bring your car now. I can come back though?
He scooped Freddie into his arms admiring his trucks with him.
Stella: No, no, come on in. She said as she moved out of the way of the door to let him through.
Kelly: Thank you. Oh and you look good by the way.
He smirked as he walked past her with Freddie still in his arms.
Stella: Yeah I'm sorry, I'll change once I've finished food prep.
Kelly: Oh, don't on my account. Your fine as you are. He said smiling.
She blushed as she shut the door behind him and followed them into the lounge correcting her bun.

Kelly sat down with Freddie and started to play trucks as Stella offered him a drink.

Stella: Can I get you anything? A drink?
Kelly: Um, yeah sure, you have any beers? I can go grab some if not? He said laying on the floor playing with Freddie.
Stella: Yeah, I got some in before. She let out a little laugh.
Kelly lifted himself off the floor and went to sit at the island with Stella as she was prepping dinner.
Kelly: Anything I can help with?
Stella: Nope, your a guest, just keep me occupied.
Kelly: Oh easy. He said smirking flirtatiously before taking a sip of his drink.

They sat chatting for a while as Stella finished prepping the food and left it in the oven to cook. They both headed over to the sofa where Freddie was cuddled with his blanket watching tv. As Kelly sat down next to Stella, Freddie moved himself onto Kelly's lap and cuddled into him with his blanket.

Freddie: Kelly cuddle me mommy. He said as he sat on Kelly's lap.
Stella: Freddie let Kelly breathe baby. She said laughing. I'm sorry but he's really taken to you.
Kelly: Your alright aren't you little man. He said wrapping his arms around him cuddling him.
Stella: Someone wants all the attention.
She gave Kelly her side eye as she took a sip of water.
Kelly: Hmm jealous? He laughed.
She shook her head as she got herself up off the sofa and headed back to the kitchen to check on the food. Kelly of course checked her out as she was walking away with a little sass, her shorts only just covering her ass. She spun her head as she caught him in the act and gave him a little look as she rolled her eyes playfully.

Dinner was ready and Stella was plating the food as Kelly was again occupying Freddie. He's really enjoyed spending his time with him, even if it has only been short. Stella shouted them over as she finished placing the plates onto the table.

Stella: Okay boys, dinners ready. She said as he grabbed another beer out of the fridge for Kelly.
Kelly: Thank you. You not having one? He asked her as he took the beer.
Stella: Um not until Freddie's in bed.
Kelly: Ah sure yeah! This food smells so good!
Stella: Thanks! You finally giving me attention for something ayyy.
She said with a smile as Kelly laughed and shook his head giving her a look.

They finished their food and sat chatting for a while before it was time to bath Freddie. Kelly insisted he cleaned the plates whilst she bathed him.

Stella: Kelly you don't have to. She said as she picked Freddie up off his chair.
Kelly: No no, it's the least I can do. Food was great by the way!

Off she went to bath Freddie, as Kelly cleaned the plates and the worktops. She came back downstairs and saw her kitchen gleaming.

Stella: Wow Kelly you didn't have to clean the whole kitchen.
Kelly: Sure it's no problem, the least I can do. How's Fred?
Stella: He sent me down to ask you to read him his book. She said laughing. I'm sorry but he's really taken to you.
Kelly: Of course, I'd love to. He said without hesitation. Don't miss me too much!

He placed his hand on her waist as he moved past her and headed upstairs.
She immediately felt some kid of way. She opened her bottle of wine as she sat flicking her way through the tv channels waiting on Kelly.
After a while he sneaked back downstairs trying his hardest not to make too much noise.

Stella: Just walk normally your fine.
She said laughing as she sipped on her wine sat on the sofa.
Kelly: I don't want to wake the little guy. He was out like a light but I couldn't move my arm from him without waking him. He laughed.
Stella: Your such a softie really aren't you.
She got up to grab him another beer.
Kelly: Nope, I mean come on, he's too cute.
He shook his head knowing he was being called out.
Stella: Hmm sure. But you're right, of course he's cute, he's mine. She said pulling a face at him.

They sat and watched some Tv a while before Kelly insisted he was to get going, not wanting to outstay his welcome as it was already late.

Kelly: Well, thank you for dinner, and the beer. And the company of course. He added after he paused. I better be getting off, I don't want to outstay my welcome.
He got himself up off the sofa removing Stella's legs from across his lap.
Stella: You're welcome, I had fun, and so did Freddie, he really likes you, which is actually quite unusual for him...You should come to the park tomorrow with us, I'm sure he'd love it!
She said a little shy.
Kelly: I'd love to. Just text me when and where and I'll be there. He said without even needing to think.
Stella: Great! I'll text you the details later.
Kelly: Cool. And thanks again. He said as he got to the door. It really was nice to spend time with you away from the firehouse.
Stella: Yeah, it was. She said smiling.

She gave him a hug to say goodbye as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Their eyes connected and before she knew it she was lost in them. He leant in and kissed her lips gently. Not knowing how she would react. She had instant butterflies as she kissed him back placing her hand onto the side of his face. Their kiss deepened and got a little more passionate.
Kelly broke the kiss as they both caught their breath back.

Kelly: I'm gonna go.
He laughed as he realised his hands were now placed on Stella's butt.
Stella: Okay. She said softly as she smiled at him running her hands down to his chest. See you tomorrow?
Kelly: You got it!
He left one last kiss on Stella's lips before heading home.

Stella & Severide: A Love StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ