A baby?

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The next morning the 3 of them headed out to view the 4 houses they had picked out the night before. Kelly drove as he had his hand placed on Stella's thigh whilst she gave the directions. Freddie was occupied in the back seat as he was playing a game on his ipad.

They arrived at the first house, it was an old church style which had been converted. Stella wasn't too impressed with the style inside, she wanted something more modern. The garden was huge but there wasn't a pool which Freddie wanted.

The second house, Kelly loved, Stella not so much. It was a basic 4 bedroom with a separate loft style apartment. Stella just didn't like the style.

The third house, Stella loved. Kelly didn't like the layout, he wanted something more open and spacious, maybe because he was so used to being in his open planned apartment.

On the way to the fourth house viewing they stopped off at the drive-thru for some McDonald's. They sat in the car and ate as they discussed the houses they had seen so far.

Kelly: So, what do you think so far?
Stella: Um, not great really, I hope this last one is as good as the photos look.
Kelly: Me too, I did like the second house though.
Stella: Yeah I wasn't too sure baby, had a strange vibe to it I don't know.
Kelly: Come on, let's go see this last one.

Stella got the directions up and they set off, this one was a lot closer to the firehouse and was a lot bigger than the rest. They pulled up outside to private gates, the driveway was huge and trees came just above the wall giving a little bit of privacy. They entered the driveway and parked as they all got out of the car.

Stella: Wow it's huge! She said looking around at the house.
Kelly: I've heard that before. He laughed as he made the joke.
Stella shook her head laughing at him.
Stella: Come on, let's have a look around.

They viewed the house, it was perfect, it was open plan, a staircase in the middle leading upstairs. The bedrooms were huge with a walk in closet in the master bedroom. Freddie loved looking around as he imagined his bedroom.

Kelly: Let's check the backyard! Getting excited.
Stella: It has a pool. She laughed Freddie jumped up and down whilst Kelly hyped him up.

They made their way downstairs and out into the back yard.

Freddie: Woah this is cool! Daddy look! He said pointing to the pool.
Kelly: Woah! This is nice! Freddie look at the swings!
Freddie ran to the swing set and began to play.
Stella: Look at the hot tub!
Kelly: Oh I could definitely spend all my time in there.
Stella: With me of course. She said winking at him.
Kelly: You know it. Look, this is the one with the out building at the end of the garden, it would be perfect for your aunt!
Stella: Oh definitely. It's perfect!

She shouted Freddie as it was time to leave. They headed home, all happy and feeling content that they had found the perfect house.
Once home, they played a little before having dinner and getting settled for the night. Tomorrow was shift day so they had more of a routine in what they would do the night before.

Kelly: Hey, I've put our bid in on the house, we're currently bidding with another couple.
He said as he sat himself next to Stella on the sofa.
Stella: Oh really? I so hope we get it, it was perfect!
Kelly: I know, we just have to outbid them and it's ours.
Stella: Freddie loved the pool. She paused. And, there was enough room to extend our family in the future.
She said as a smile grew across Kelly's face.
Kelly: What you mean we..us. A baby?
Kelly was a little startled in the best way, he loved the idea.
Stella: For sure, I mean we haven't ever spoken about it but I wouldn't be sad if it ever happened. She said as she paused. I'd love a baby, half me and half the man I love and adore.
Kelly: It would be perfect, I can't wait for the day if we're ever lucky enough.

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