I don't need thanking

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A couple of weeks had passed. Kelly and Stella had been spending a lot more time together outside of the fire house. He would go with them to take Freddie to the park but also spend some time with Stella alone too. Nothing had happened between the both of them since the kiss, which she was confused about but tried not to let it get to her that much, she had just been enjoying any spare time she could get with Kelly.

Shift Day:

Stella was running late as she was rushing around with Freddie early morning, it wasn't the easiest being a single parent. She dropped Freddie off with the Childminder and headed straight to the firehouse for shift. As she was rushing to her locker she bumped into Kelly knocking her bag onto the floor.

Kelly: Woah sorry. You came out of nowhere. He said as he bent down to help her with her bag.
Stella: Nope, my fault I was rushing in and wasn't looking where I was going. As she began to gather her things.
Kelly: Everything okay? He asked as she seemed a little cold.
Stella: Sure, just running late. Fred had tantrum after tantrum this morning. She said as she took a deep breath.
Kelly: That bad huh? As he grabbed onto her shoulder.
Stella: Yeah, he was sad he wasn't going to play at the park today! Guess it's hard working shift sometimes you know.
Kelly: Well I don't but.. you know I'm here if you need anything.
He pulled her in to give her a hug.
Stella: Thank you, your too kind. She said as she cuddled into his chest.

Shift was pretty quiet for Stella, Kelly on the other hand was real busy, he had call after call.
He finally caught a break around 3am when the squad truck rolled back into the station. They all headed straight to their bunks, apart from Kelly who headed for the common room. He was tired but needed to get finished with paperwork before the end of shift. As he was on his way to grab a coffee he noticed Stella sat deep in thought on the sofa in the common room. She looked exhausted. He threw himself down at the side of her and startled her from her thoughts.

Stella: Oh you made me jump!
Kelly: I'm sorry, are you okay? You look beat?
Stella: Ah yeah, just tired, can't sleep thinking about Fred. I got a call off of his grandparents as Fred wouldn't settle for her. It just gets hard sometimes not being able to be there. I love this job and it's my dream but sometimes... sometimes I just don't think it's worth it. I just miss so much with these shifts.
She took a deep breath as she let out most of her emotions at Kelly.
Kelly: I'm here- as he pulled Stella into his chest to cuddle her.
Stella: I'm sorry, I shouldn't of put that on you. She said looking up at him as she cut him off.
Kelly: Don't be silly! I'm here for you. You and Fred. Anything you need at any time!
Stella: Thank you, for everything. You've done so much more than you need to. I just don't know how to thank you.
Kelly: I don't need thanking. I like being around you and if you need me I'm always here.
Stella snuggled herself back into Kelly, they sat cuddled for a little while before both heading to their bunks.

Morning soon arrived. As Stella was heading out to her car, Kelly ran to catch up with her.
Kelly: Stella! Hey! How are you?
Stella: I'm okay. She paused. Hey I'm sorry for last night, I shouldn't be dumping my issues on you. I'm sorry.
Kelly: Hey no. It's okay. Like I said, I'm here for you. He said as they started to walk to her car.
Stella: How can I thank you. You've been so kind to us both since Fred was in hospital.
Kelly: Hey anytime! You know you got me.
Stella: Can I buy you dinner to say thank you? She said really fast as she was a little nervous.
She knew she liked him and him being there for her was making her feel even more towards him.
Kelly: Dinner for sure! But my treat. I'll pick you both up 5? Or is that too late for Freddie?
Stella: Are you sure? And yes, that'll be great.
She loved how he immediately included Freddie, she felt he was so accepting. It was nice for her.
Kelly: I'll see you later. He said as he waved her off in her car.

She went to collect Freddie and headed home to spend some quality time with him. It was nice, even more so after the night she had. They spent the day on the sofa cuddled watching Disney films. It was soon time to get bathed and ready for dinner. Stella dressed Freddie in his denim shorts and a white polo shirt. His mid-length curly hair was tied back out of his face. Stella had a long maxi dress on, her denim jacket and again her hooped earrings. The doorbell rang just as they were heading downstairs. Stella opened the door and there stood Kelly. Freddie jumped into his arms as Kelly scooped him up.

Freddie: Kelly! He shouted in excitement.
Stella just stood back and smiled at how much he already admired Kelly.
Kelly: You guys ready?
Stella: We sure are! She said as she checked Kelly out. Ooo you smell good. Smirking at him as she instantly felt Kelly's arm around her.
Kelly: Hey come here. He said grabbing her for a hug as he kissed her cheek, still holding Freddie.

They arrived at the restaurant and were seated in a cosy booth area. It was pretty, the sun was still pretty much shining as it was the middle of summer. Stella chose chicken nuggets and chips for Freddie and Steak for herself. Kelly also joined her on having a steak.

Kelly: So, you all ready for your birthday coming up bud. He said asking Freddie.
Stella: We're all set, we just need to food shop and we're all ready.
Kelly: I'll show you how to cook real steak on the grill. He said winking acting all smug.
Stella: Hmm you'll show me huh? She said as she gave Kelly a look.

Dinner was soon over and Stella invited Kelly back to hers for a drink. She put Freddie to bed as he fell asleep on the drive home. They sat on the sofa with a bottle of wine as they talked away for hours. Stella broke their conversation as she wanted to thank Kelly once more.

Stella: You know I am really grateful for you being here. And everything you've done. It really does mean a lot.
Kelly: Hey, don't thank me, I'm sure anyone would do the same. He said as he sat himself up to face her.
Stella: Your not just anyone though Kelly.
She paused as she took a deep breath not being able to find her words.
Kelly: Look Stella. I like you. A lot. I love spending time with you. And Freddie.
Stella: I love how your so great with him. And of course I like you too. A lot. She paused. I've just never had anything serious since Freddie. It's scary you know- as Kelly cut her off.
Kelly: I get it. I just want to get to know you more. Both of you, I get you come as a pair and I'm all for that.
Stella: Where have you been. Your literally a dream. She said as she smiled at him.
Kelly: Well, I'm here now.

He had his hand moving her hair away from her face. Stella leant in and kissed him gently on his lips. He responded and kissed her back as she climbed onto his lap, placing his hands onto her ass. Until Kelly broke their kiss.

Kelly: Are you sure?
Stella: Shut up and kiss me. She said as she kissed him again more passionately.

Kelly didn't refuse and kissed her back adding tongue as they got more into it.

The night came to an end and Kelly was headed home. Nothing went further than their kiss, although there was temptation there. Kelly didn't want to overstep in anyway whilst trying to be a gentleman and of course with Freddie upstairs he didn't want to make anything uncomfortable. He gave her one last kiss as they said their goodbyes and left to go home.

Stella & Severide: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now