Your past

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Kelly: Who? Who's eyes?

She could see his facial expressions change. The anger filling his body, the realisation finally hitting him that someone had been in their home, in their belongings.

Stella: That's Ryan.
Kev: Ryan?
Kelly: Ryan Cooper. He shook his head as he paced the floor.
Stella: Yes, Ryan Cooper. She said as she bit her nail nervously.
Jay: Here, Ryan Cooper. Previous accounts of robbery, assault and possession of drugs.
Stella: That's him.
Kelly: He did Stella's place over last year. Why is he even out of jail?
Jay: Good behaviour, he got released last week.
Kev: Not for long. Where's he holding up Jay?
Jay: Got a couple addresses, we'll get onto them and check them out.
Hailey: You two can stay here or head home?
Kelly: I'm finding this bastard! He rose his voice in anger.
Kev: She needs you more than ever mate.

He whispered as he grabbed ahold of him. Nodding his head at Stella as she sat, tears filling her eyes.

Kelly: I can't just sit around and do nothing.
Kev: Don't do nothing, be there for your girl.

Kelly turned his head back at her, seeing the fear in her eyes.

Kelly: You're right. Hey, I got you. He said as he sat beside Stella, wrapping his arms around her before they headed for home. Once they arrived back to the new house, Stella stood in the kitchen as she poured a glass of water. Kelly could see she wasn't herself.

Stella: I'm so sorry.
Kelly: You've nothing to be sorry for.
Stella: I do though Kelly. This isn't the first time you've been dragged into this kinda stuff. How is all this baggage I carry fair on you.
Kelly: It's what I'm here for, I told you I'll be with you through anything.
Stella: But look, your apartment ruined because of something in my past.
Kelly: Exactly Stella, you said it yourself there. Your past. This isn't on you.
Stella: But it is.

As he tried to reassure her, he tried to pull her into him as his arms wrapped around her. She fought a bit as she pulled herself back from him.

Stella: I don't know if I can do this.
Kelly: What do you mean? You can't do what?
Stella: This, it isn't fair on you. You shouldn't have to deal with this. Why didn't you choose someone normal with no psycho ex to think of.
Kelly: Really? We're going down that road now? You know I love you, if that's what comes with then that's that. They'll find him and lock him up.
Stella: Until next time.
Kelly: There won't be one! He said realising he was shouting.
Stella: I need air.

She rushed outside as she sat alone. Thoughts rushing through her mind. She sat and allowed her emotions get the better of her, tears slowly running down her cheek.

Kelly: Hey, I'm glad your here, she's pushing me away and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do to help.
Kim: Always, here Freddie fell asleep on the drive and I didn't want to wake him. She said as she stood with him in her arms.
Kelly: I'll take him into the lounge. He said his eyes fixed on Stella.
Kim: Hey, she'll be okay, I'll go talk with her. She smiled as she rubbed his arm.

She slowly approached Stella as she heard the sniffles.

Kim: Hey baby, come here. Opening her arms out offering her a hug.
Stella: Auntie I feel lost. She looked up as she let her tears fall, breaking down in front of her.
Kim: Come here.

They sat for a while, Kim's arms wrapped around her as she comforted her. Stella noticed Kelly stood in the kitchen as they sat, him not knowing what to do with himself. He knew he needed to respect Stella's space but not knowing how to comfort her was killing him inside.

Stella: I feel bad on him auntie. He shouldn't be dragged into this a second time. All the shit Ryan keeps throwing at us, it's not fair on him.
Kim: Baby he loves you. He adores the bones of you and he just wants to protect you.
Stella: I know, but that doesn't mean it's fair on him. I love him with all I've got but I just don't see how this is what he deserves.
Kim: Meaning what exactly?
Stella: How is this baggage and what Ryan's done fair on him. He's too good of a man to be dragged down by this.

She could see him with his head in his hands, scratching his head slightly as he sat alone inside.

Kim: Look, Ryan will be found, he'll go back to jail and all will be normal again.
Stella: Its not normal though. A psycho ex causing trouble, it's the second time in a year. I just don't see why he won't leave me alone.

Kim gently wiped a tear from Stella's face.

Kim: Look, just open your feelings up to him. Don't let Ryan make you loose what you have with Kelly. He's too good of a man to let Ryan get in between.
Stella: Exactly, he's too good for all of this bullshit. I don't understand why Ryan can't just leave me the hell alone. The only good thing to come from him was Freddie. I should just leave and let him live a happy, normal life.
Kim: Hey, maybe just take some time to breathe, talk to Kelly and allow all of your feelings. And don't say that, you're good together, don't let Ryan ruin what you have.
Stella: I'll talk to him, I just need a little space to breathe. I just can't deal with this right now.
Kim: Sure baby, Freddie's asleep and I'll start unpacking those cases. You just take some time.

Kim left Stella as she stayed sat on the seating area outside. She made her way into the lounge to find Kelly.

Kelly: Is she okay, I'm sorry for calling, I just had no clue what to do and she wouldn't let me help. He said all worked up.
Kim: She's not, but she will be, I think she just needs time to process this, it's a lot.
Kelly: Of course, should I leave?
Kim: No no. I think it's triggered some things from Ryan and she's just figuring how to get her head around it all.
Kelly: I should go.

She could see he was worked up and emotional. Seeing the person he loved the most in such a state and not being able to help as such, was torture for him.

Kelly: I think I need some air.
Kim: She needs you, you should stay.
Kelly: I think it's best if I just make myself scarce for a bit.
Kim: Kelly.
Kelly: It's cool, all's cool. I'll see you soon.

He grabbed his keys, swung his jacket over his shoulder and left.

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