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A couple of days had passed. Kelly had told Renee he didn't think the case was a good idea, he knew how she was, especially after what happened when they broke up. He was content with how his life was and didn't want to add Renee into the equation when he was truly finally happy.

Stella was at home alone as Kelly had taken Freddie out to the park to play ball with Matt and Louie. She prepared dinner and had time to relax and do a face mask before they were back. Kelly entered the apartment with Freddie asleep in his arms, he lay him down onto the sofa as he stood, covered in mud.

Stella: How on earth are you that dirty!
Kelly: Well, I got attacked and fell into a puddle of mud. He said shrugging his shoulders.
Stella: Attacked by who? She said quite concerned.
Kelly: Um, Freddie and Louie.
She let out a laugh before covering her mouth not wanting to wake Freddie.
Stella: Oh he got you good huh?
Kelly: Yeah, he definitely gets his feistiness from you. He stood smirking at her.
Stella: Meaning?
She playfully smacked him on the shoulder as she knew exactly what he meant.
Kelly: Oh you know, just does. His smirk grew bigger across his face. I'm gonna go shower!
Stella: Yeah, so you should. As she laughed at him some more.

Whilst Kelly was showering, Stella joined him in the bathroom, she sat on the stool next the the shower.

Stella: Hey babe I forgot to mention. The insurance rang me earlier. They have finally sorted the claim.
Kelly: That's good! As he was still showering.
Stella: Yeah, I think we should go look at some houses tomorrow.
Kelly: Yeah? As he popped his head from around the glass.
Stella: Sure, I can't wait to have something we get together.
Kelly: Of course, we can choose some off the real estate website tonight yeah?
Stella: Yeah sounds good!
Kelly: Hey can you pass me a towel please? He said pointing at the pile of towels in the bathroom cupboard.
Stella: Hmm. Can I think about it? As she sat examining his naked body from head to toe.
Kelly: Come on! Please. As he flicked a little bit of water at her.
Stella: Hey! Let's not start that I've already showered!
Kelly: It's right there! He said pointing making a face.
Stella: I know, I'm just enjoying the view. As she smiled at him.
Kelly: Hm I bet you are. Acting a little smug.

He wrapped the towel around his waist and headed into the bedroom as Stella followed. She stood in the doorway just looking at him. Admiring how lucky she is and of course, she loved his muscular body.

Kelly: Can I help with something? He asked as he caught her checking him out again, which he loved.
Stella: Hmm, nope, just looking. She said smirking.
Kelly: Just looking are we. As he moved a little closer to her.
Stella: Yeah.
Kelly: How about now? Still just looking? He said as he moved even closer to her, removing his towel leaving him fully naked.
Stella: Hmm. Maybe. As she ran her eyes up and down him.
Kelly wrapped his arms around her as he placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

She ran her hands across his chest and down to his abs. Just then, their moment broke when Stella heard Freddie call out for her.

Stella: Duty calls. As she unwrapped herself from him rolling her eyes a little.
Kelly: Great timing Fred! He laughed to himself.

Stella went to see to Freddie as he had woken from his nap. She cuddled him as he woke up a little more. Kelly entered the lounge topless in his grey shorts.

Kelly: I definitely needed that shower. Somebody pushed me over! He said as he tickled Freddie.
Freddie: Wasn't me. He said laughing.
Stella: Oh I wonder who it was.
Kelly: Hmm I don't know.
Freddie: Daddy got me so I got him. He said as he looked up at his mom.
Stella's heart was full.
Kelly: That's right, you got me good buddy. He said laughing.

Stella left Kelly and Freddie to cuddle on the sofa as she went to put dinner in the over as she'd already prepped it earlier.

Stella: We're having chicken pasta by the way boys!
Kelly: Sounds good baby!
Freddie: Yummy, I love pasta!
Stella: I know you do baby.

She got her IPad and joined Kelly and Freddie on the sofa.

Stella: Let's make a start on this house search.
Kelly: Good idea!
Freddie: House search? He asked.
Kelly: Yeah buddy. We'll get a bigger house with a garden and pool! He said excitedly.
Freddie: Yay! I want to swim.
Stella: Let's not get ahead of ourselves, we might not even see any we like.
Kelly: Sure but we still want a pool don't we bud. He said as he rubbed his hand through his dark curly hair.
Freddie: Yes! Mommy I want to swim!
Stella: Okay baby we can have a look.

They sat for a while as they chose 4 houses they all liked the look of, not too far from the firehouse. Stella left the boys to play as she went to plate up dinner. She set the table and shouted the boys over to eat. Once they had ate, Kelly cleaned up as Stella went to bath Freddie. She read him his book and put him to bed, he was out like a light as Kelly had tired him out at the park earlier.

Stella came back to join Kelly on the sofa as they watched a film.
Kelly: I loved today you know, spending time with Freddie.
Stella: I bet, he really loves you, you know.
Kelly: I'm glad, I love him so much.
Stella: I'm happy we have you. And thankful for everything you've done, you're so special to us.
Kelly: Always baby, I love you so much.
Stella: I love you.

They lay on the sofa cuddled into one another as they watched the film. Kelly tickled Stella's back, making her fall asleep as she lay on him. Kelly just lay in deep thought to himself, reminiscing at how content he was with Stella and Freddie. They'd only been dating 8 months, but he knew she was definitely the one.

Kelly: Hey. Stella. He whispered as he nudged her slightly to wake her up.
Stella: Huh. She grunted sleepily at him.
Kelly: Come on, let's go get in bed.
Stella: Time is it?
Kelly: 11 o'clock babe. Come on.
Stella: Okay. She said yawning.

She got herself up and headed towards the bedroom as Kelly shut all the lights and tv off.
He got himself in bed and Stella was already asleep. He just lay smiling as he cuddled her falling asleep himself.

Stella & Severide: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now