She's a dream

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A month had soon passed, Stella and Kelly were adjusting perfectly to life with two babies.

Kelly: Morning my girls. He smiled as he entered into the bedroom with Freddie.
Stella: Morning babies. How's my boys?
Kelly: Good, we're all ready to go an have some fun aren't we Freddie.
Freddie: Yayyy! He squealed as he jumped up and down in excitement.

Kelly had made sure to make extra time with Freddie now Savannah was here. He knew how much time it took to care for her so made sure Freddie got just as much.

Kelly: We'll be back around dinner time, I'll bring some pizzas on our way back.
Stella: Okay, Freddie come give mommy a kiss before you go.
Freddie: Okay. He said distracting himself from playing.
Stella: Be a good boy for daddy okay.
Freddie: Okay.
Kelly: Do you need anything before I go babe?
Stella: No thank you we're good. She smiled as she cradled Savannah.
Kelly: Okay, if you need anything you call me or Gabby-
Stella: Kelly, stop worrying, we'll be okay. Go have some fun.
Kelly: Okay. He leaned in to kiss her. Love you both.
Stella: We love you.

Off they went, they spent the day at the zoo, admiring all the animals and even managing to feed some.

Freddie: Look daddy a penguin! He said pointing over to them.
Kelly: Come on buddy we'll go and have a look.

The excitement in Freddie made Kelly feel so much love. He adored his little boy so much.

Kelly: Hey look, there's a baby one. He pointed out to Freddie.
Freddie: Just like my baby sister. He smiled.
Kelly: You love her don't you buddy.
Freddie: Yes daddy. She's cute like that baby one.

They spent hours looking at the animals and taking lots of photos to show Stella once they got home. Freddie chose a gift in the gift shop and Kelly bought a cuddly baby penguin for Savannah.

Kelly: Okay you ready buddy? Shall we go and get pizza?
Freddie: Yayyyy. Can we get baby sister some too?
Kelly: She can't eat that just yet buddy but we can get mommy some.
Freddie: Okay.

They grabbed some pizza take out and headed home.

Kelly: We're home! He shouted as they got through the door.
Stella: Hey baby. She said as he greeted her with a kiss as she sat on the sofa.
Kelly: How's my girls?
Freddie: Mommy look. He shouted showing the baby penguin.
Stella: We're good. She smiled. Oh my god that is so cute.
Freddie: A baby like my sister.
Kelly: He's been so excited about that cuddly toy because of his baby sister. He said mocking his words.
Stella: Sounds like you boys had fun.
Freddie: We saw so many animals mommy. He said excited.
Kelly: We had so much fun. I missed my girls though. He sat next to Stella as he placed the pizza down.
Stella: We missed you.

They sat and ate their pizza on the sofa whilst Freddie pretended to feed his new cuddly. Kelly and Stella just sat back and admired how graceful he was.

Kelly: I can't believe we made something so beautiful. He said as he admired Savannah.
Stella: She's a dream, she's been so good.
Kelly: Would you want more? You know, in the future?
Stella: I think so. Of course not right now, but yes. I couldn't think of anything better than to make such a beautiful life with you.
Kelly: Okay for sure.
Stella: Wait, do you? She paused. You know, want more?
Kelly: Definitely. I've never experienced love like this before, loving my babies the way I do, I can only think how great it would be if there was more.
Stella: That's sweet.
Kelly: And, I mean it's not like it's a chore to make them is it? He grinned cheekily at her.
Stella: I knew something like that was coming. She laughed. In all seriousness though, I'm so grateful you love Freddie as your own. I see you as his daddy and so does he, but you didn't have to take him. We're just so thankful for you and the love you give us.
Kelly: Easiest thing ever to love that boy. I love you. You and him are a team. And he's the best. You know, taking you to the hospital that day was the best decision I ever made.
Stella: I'm so glad you did.

Stella sat and fed Savannah whilst Kelly went to bath Freddie. They played in the water and splashed making a mess of the bathroom. He tucked him into bed and got to telling him a story.

Kelly: Do you want this story? Or daddy to tell you one of his? He asked holding a book up.
Freddie: Yours daddy. He said as he lay snuggled in bed.
Kelly: Okay. There once was a princess and a prince...

Stella made her way upstairs to put Savannah down. She heard Kelly talking as she crept past the bedroom, listening in on some of his story.

Kelly: And there she was. The most beautiful princess. He finished up as Freddie had fallen asleep.

Stella hurried her way back into her bedroom as she sat on the bed, putting Savannah in her basket at the side of the bed.

Kelly: He was out like a light. He said as he made his way into the bedroom.
Stella: You tired him out today with all the excitement of the animals. She smiled softly at him as she stroked Sav's head.
Kelly: I know, he was so happy to see all the babies. He just kept on talking about his sister.
Stella: He's got such a big heart for such a little boy. She said as her eyes were now locked on Kelly as he stripped down.
Kelly: He gets that from you. He looked up as he caught her checking him out as he stood in his boxers.
Stella: And you. She laughed as she knew she'd been caught off guard.

He made his way and sat at the side of her on the edge of the bed.

Kelly: She looks so peaceful.
Stella: She's such a good baby, sleeps, eats and poops. Barely ever cries.
Kelly: I mean I'm all for her being like that, it makes it easy.
Stella: I know, I wonder what our next will be like. And the one after and however many we have.
Kelly: We're gonna be busy. He laughed.
Stella: Oh I know. She got up to sit on him facing him. I mean, I don't mind making them.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as he grabbed her ass. She could feel his already hard dick as she was straddled on his lap.

Kelly: You do know. The first time I'm gonna hit it so hard. He laughed trying to contain himself.
Stella: Oh I know. I can tell with how happy your little friend is just from sitting on you.
Kelly: Now we both know he's not so little.
Stella: You definitely don't gotta tell me that. She laughed. I'm gonna go shower.
Kelly: Okay sure. I got Sav.
Stella: Thank you. She kissed him softly as she got up.

He lay on the bed flicking through the channels on the tv. She stripped down to her underwear as she dropped her clothes into the laundry basket.

Kelly: Fuck you're beautiful.
Stella: I love you. She laughed a little as she blushed, turning to make her way into the bathroom.
Kelly: Wow.
Stella: Okay come on now. She giggled.
Kelly: I just can't help but wow. His eyes still locked on her.

She finished stripping down and entered the shower. The water sending goosebumps over her skin. Her curls dropping as her hair soaked with water. The soap suds slid off of her body as they mixed with the water.

Stella: Kelly! She shouted from the shower.
Kelly: Yeah.
Stella: Could you pass me a towel please? I don't want to drop water everywhere.
Kelly: Sure. He shouted back as he got himself up off the bed.

He grabbed a towel and handed it to her as his eyes scanned her body once more.

Stella: Thank you. She smiled, wrapping it around her as she looked up at him.
Kelly: No sweat. Come cuddle with me when you're sorted?
Stella: Yeah you bet.

She dried herself off, wrapped her hair to dry and lay with him. His arms around her as she snuggled into him.

Stella & Severide: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now