I now pronounce you husband and wife.

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Wedding day, the days Stella has been waiting for  had finally come around. The girls were rushing around packing their things ready to head up to the cabin.

Stella: Okay, I'm ready, dresses are packed, clothes to stay over and a little something for my husband. She winked as she and Gabby giggled, pulling their suitcases out into the hall.
Gabby: Okay. Let's get you married.
Hailey: So, bags are ready, make up and hair will be arriving in an hour, we have a 30 minute drive to the cabins, y'all ready?
Stella: Hell yeah. Let's go do this! She shouted as the girls cheered around her.

A short drive later and they were pulling up at one of the rented cabins. They had decided to rent a couple of the cabins around theirs to have a little extra room and to keep the bride and groom separate. Gabby had set theirs up for them to enjoy on their wedding night but for now, they entered their assigned cabin.

Stella: You've done everything so pretty it's even more beautiful than I could of imagined. She smiled, taking Gabby into a hug.
Gabby: You deserve your day to be perfect. I can't wait for you to see the rest.
Stella: Me too, I just can't wait to get married I'm so excited!
Gabby: I know girl, just a couple more hours wait.
Stella: Eeek. She squealed and she hugged Gabby.

The morning went on, the girls getting their hair and makeup done whilst the guys finished on last minute preparations. Gabby and Stella went to finally get her into her dress, them making one last toast before heading out to the girls.

Gabby: I'm so proud of how far you've come, from being in such a pit with Ryan to now so much happiness with Kelly. I'm so so happy both of my best friends will be with me and each other for life.
Stella: You're gonna make me cry. She laughed as she swatted her gently. You seriously are the most amazing human ever and I'm so grateful to call you my best friend.
Gabby: Girl, let's go get you married! She shouted in excitement.

Whilst the bride and her bridesmaids had their pre wedding photoshoot, Jen and Kim had brought the kids to join ready for meeting Kelly down the aisle.

Kelly and Matt were all suited up, nervously waiting around for them to be called.

Kelly: I'm so ready for this man. His smile as big as ever as he and Matt had a quick pre wedding drink.
Matt: I know, it's been an experience over the years man but I can see you're so ready to settle down with Stella.
Kelly: I can't imagine my life without her.
Matt: I know man.
Boden: You ready for this Kelly? Hermann is ready when you are.
Kelly: Sure am. He smiled, downing the rest of his beer as he grabbed his suit jacket.
Boden: I'm proud of the man you've become. I know you've not had the easiest rides but you've managed to overcome more than most and I'm proud to be by both of your sides today.
Kelly: Thanks chief, I'm thankful of how much you've done for me. Shaking his hand, Kelly pulled him into a hug before heading out.

Boden made his way across to the other cabin to get Stella, making sure they were ready.

Boden: Wow! You look beautiful.
Stella: Thank you. Is Kelly okay? Is he ready?
Boden: I can tell you now, there's no one stopping him marrying you today. He's ready and waiting. He smiled, the biggest grin on his face.
Gabby: Eeek, it's time to marry your man.
Boden: I'd just like to say how thankful I am, walking you down the aisle today is a huge blessing for me.
Stella: I'm grateful you are, you're such a huge part of both of our lives we couldn't imagine doing this without you.

Boden pulled Stella into a hug before getting a quick photo of them both, then one more with everyone included. Once they had their photo they headed out. All the guests had taken a seat as Stella and her bridesmaids approached.

First Freddie, Savannah, Louie and Amelia were walked down the aisle by Kim and Jen. Then the bridesmaids headed down one by one before Stella appeared.

As soon as Kelly set eyes on her he began to well up, tears escaping his eyes as he watched her in awe. The love and adoration he felt towards her was overwhelming and he could not keep himself together. Matt handed him a tissue as he watched her walk towards him, Stella meeting his eyes as she herself got teary, whispering and 'I love you' as she met him at the alter.

He held out his hands as Boden passed her over, shaking Kelly's hand before he left a kiss on Stella's cheek.

Boden: You're one lucky guy, make sure you look after her.
Kelly: Oh don't I know it. He smiled. And don't you worry chief, that's my intention. Kelly nodded as Boden made his way to his seat, leaving them both stood.
Kelly: You are beautiful.
Stella: I love you.
Kelly: I love you so much.
Hermann: We ready? He smiled, absorbing their little bubble they were currently in.

Hermann got straight to the ceremony, Kelly's eyes not leaving Stella's, only for a brief moment as he looked over at his babies. Stella in awe of him and everyone around her.

Hermann: We'll get straight to your vows. Kelly and Stella both nodding as she kept her hands in his.
Kelly: Okay... He took a deep breath. Stella, I adore you and everything you are, you make me the happiest man alive and I'm so lucky to have you by my side. I know I'll always have a shoulder to lean on and you've always got my back. You're my best friend and I couldn't imagine doing life without you. You've given me the most magical gift in those babies over there. I will always make sure you and our babies come first in everything, I promise to always keep you safe and happy and be with you for life. I love you. Stella gave his hands a gentle squeeze as tears fell across her cheek.
Stella: Kelly. She tried to compose herself a little. I love you so so much. You are everything I dreamed of, you are magical and you make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world. I promise to always be by your side, good or bad. I know with you by my side we can conquer anything. You keep me safe and I know, nobody has it easy, but with you, I know it can be. I love you so much and can't wait to start forever with you.

Hermann tried his hardest to hold back his emotion as they exchanged rings before he announced them husband and wife.

Hermann: Well. He cleared his throat. I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Kelly gently pulled Stella closer as he wrapped his arms around her, pressing his lips to hers as he kissed her fervently. Stella reacting as she kissed him back.

Stella: I love you baby.
Kelly: I love you so much.

They turned to their guests as they all cheered, Kelly and Stella making their way back down the aisle with Freddie and Savannah in their arms, walking out as a family as confetti was tossed over them.

They headed out to take more photos before their evening party. Kelly and Stella having their own photos, then with the babies, then the best man and maid of honour and then a huge photo with all the guests. They began to mingle a little before they headed off to celebrate even more.

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