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Shift Day:

Stella was the first one up, she headed straight to the kitchen for coffee and breakfast before she had to be getting ready for shift. Kelly woke, showered and changed as Stella was in the kitchen. Freddie was still sleeping and Kim was eating breakfast at the island in the kitchen. Kim was watching Freddie until they were back from shift so Stella just let him sleep in until he woke himself. Once Stella had her coffee, she headed back to the bedroom to change into her work gear. As Stella was changing Kelly headed to the kitchen to grab coffee before they had to leave for shift, he hadn't said much this morning and was acting a little off.

Stella: Hey baby, coffee and eggs are in the kitchen ready. She said as he was leaving the room.
Kelly: Um, I'm okay, I'm not that hungry. Thanks though. As he walked away.
Stella shrugged it off as she finished up getting changed.

Stella met Kelly and Kim in the kitchen as he was finishing his coffee.

Stella: Hey auntie are you sure you're okay with Freddie today?
Kim: Sure baby, I can't wait for our day we have planned.
Kelly: Have enough fun for us all. He said smiling not wanting to throw his mood onto anyone else.
Kim: Oh we will!
Kelly: I'm ready whenever. He said as he grabbed his keys and headed for the door.
Stella: Coming, just need to put my boots on. She said as she hurried herself.
Kelly: I'll meet you in the car babe. He said as he shouted bye to Kim.
Stella: He's in a mood. As she rolled her eyes talking to Kim.
Kim: Are you okay? She said not wanting to intrude on them both.
Stella: Yeah, I'm sure it'll blow over. As she kissed her goodbye and headed to Kelly's car.

The drive to the firehouse was pretty quiet for the pair, once they arrived, he kissed her cheek and headed straight for his quarters whilst Stella headed to the locker room.

Stella: Hey. As she found Gabby and Brett at their lockers.
Gabby: You all excited for Dubai? She said cheerfully to Stella.
Stella: Ah yeah, should be fun.
Gabby and Brett could tell something was eating away at her.
Brett: Hey you okay? You seem a little off this morning.
Stella: Ah yeah. Men! As she rolled her eyes.
Gabby: We're here if you need to talk about anything. She said not wanting to overstep.
Stella: Thank you. Kelly suggested we get a house together, you know more room and something that's actually the both ours. I told him he didn't need to pressure anything just so my aunt could be close and he shut me down before I could even say yes!
Brett: I'm sure you'll sort it out, you're good together!
Gabby: The thing with Kelly is, once he's in, he's all in. So you just have to talk to him and be honest.
Stella: Yeah of course. I was going to say yes, but he shut me down because he thought it was a no? I didn't even get chance to answer. And now he's moody!
Gabby: Go talk to him, tell him how you feel.
Brett jumped in and gave her a hug, just as she was heading to Kelly's quarters the bells went off for Truck 81 and Ambo 61.
Stella: Great! She said shaking her head as she ran to the truck.

The call was pretty simple and they were back before they knew it. Stella headed straight towards Kelly's quarters as Gabby and Brett left to go to the common room.

Gabby: Hey, be honest with him. She grabbed Stella's arm gently.
Stella: Yeah. Thank you. As she gave her a hug and headed for Kelly.

Stella fixed herself up before taking a deep breath before knocking. She could see Kelly at his desk doing paperwork.

Stella: Hey, you got a minute?
Kelly: Sure. As he looked up at her.
Stella entered his quarters as she shut the door behind her.
Stella: Okay, so I'm going to be honest with you now, and please let me talk before you butt in.
Kelly nodded as he knew she was being serious with how stern she was being as she stood over him.
Stella:, I didn't say no to us moving. Let me just get that straight. All I was trying to say was, I don't want you to feel like we have to move just because my Aunts moving here. I don't want me to be the reason. I'm super grateful of everything you've done for me and Freddie and I do want to move with you. But not because I want my aunt close. I want to move with you because I'm completely in love with you and want us to be and grow together.
Kelly: So you do want to move? And I'm serious about the aunt thing too, I want your family to be close because I know how much she means to you. Kelly grabbed her hands as he stood up to be level with Stella.
Stella: Yes you dork, of course I do, you just didn't let me finish what I was trying to say last night. Can you stop stropping like a child and just kiss me now please.

Kelly looked around before throwing himself at Stella, slamming her against the door as he kissed her passionately.

Stella: Okay. I wasn't expecting that. She said, clearing her throat as she looked around to see if anyone saw whilst dropping the blind.
Kelly ran his hands all over her body as he kissed her again, the tension they had been feeling was soon enough being relieved.

Stella: Can we even do this here. She said pulling back a little.
Kelly: Do what? It's just a kiss? As he smirked at her.
Stella: Um, your little friend says otherwise. She said before looking down at the bulge in his pants.
Kelly: Well, there's only you to blame for that. He said with a wink.
Stella: Good. She said grabbing ahold of it through his pants as she kissed him again.

Just as he was lifting her T-shirt, they were interrupted by a knock at the door.

Kelly: Shit! He scrambled around to try and sort himself and make his bulge less obvious.

Stella waited a second before opening the door to a pretty woman, well dressed with long brown hair just standing there. It was Renee, Kelly's ex girlfriend.

Renee: Hi! I'm sorry to interrupt, I was told to just come and knock.
Kelly: Hi Renee...Sure, yeah. Can I help with something? He said trying to be professional whilst being caught off guard.
Renee: I can come back if now isn't a good time?
Kelly: Um, no, sure go ahead.
Stella: I'll leave you two to it. As she felt a little awkward not knowing who it was.
Kelly: Hey, I'll come and find you afterwards. He grabbed her and gave her a kiss which was quite unexpected to her. He knew Renee liked to play games so was establishing Stella was his.

Stella left Kelly's quarters and headed to the common room to find Brett and Gabby.

Stella: Hey girls! Question for you. She said as she sat down next to them both.
Gabby: Okay, go on... As she waited for Stella to ask.
Stella: Okay, who's Renee?
Gabby: Like Renee, Renee?
Stella: Like she's in Kelly's quarters Renee? She said confused.
Gabby: Like Kelly's ex Renee?
Brett: What's Kelly's ex doing in his quarters?
Gabby: Renee is old news, she was years ago.
Stella: Well, should I be worried or-?
Gabby: Definitely not! She said as she cut her off.
Brett: Girl you got no competition, I've seen how you both are, you're strong together.
Gabby: Honestly Stella, I wouldn't even think anything of it!

Stella went to keep herself busy whilst she checked the tyres on the truck. Just as she was doing so, Kelly came up behind her and purposely made her jump being goofy.

Stella: Ah! You scared me! As she turned to see who it was.
Kelly: I'm sorry! As he laughed to himself.
Stella: You're really not though are you.
Kelly: Hey, what's wrong? It was just a joke?
Stella: It scared the hell out of me!
Kelly: Come here, I need to talk to you.
Stella: Oh let me guess, Renee? She said as he grabbed her arm to follow her into the turnout room acting all serious.
Kelly: Here, she asked me to help on a case. I told her I'd think about it but I'm just not sure.
Stella: Kelly I thought you we're gonna tell me something extreme. She said with a sigh of relief.
Kelly: Nope, I just wanted you to know it was strictly professional. I just know what she's like and didn't want you to be working yourself up if she's around.
Stella: If you want to do it it's fine. If they need your help then they need your help, it's your choice.
Kelly: I know, I'm just not sure. Thank you for being so understanding though.
Stella: Of course.
She placed a kiss on his lips as she turned to get back to what she was doing. Kelly playfully smacked her ass as she began to walk off.
Stella: Hey! Behave! She said laughing at him.
Kelly just stood and smirked at himself as she shook her head.

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