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As the sun peeked through the blinds, Kelly woke, instantly scrunching his face as his head pounded.

Kelly: Morning. He groaned throwing his pillow over his face sending him back into complete darkness.
Stella: That bad huh? She laughed a little, already sat up in bed reading.
Kelly: I don't know why I drank so much, those days are definitely passed me.
Stella: You were pretty drunk. She laughed.
Kelly: How bad?
Stella: Um, you ended up passing out as soon as I brought you up here. She smiled looking down at him as she ran her hand through his hair.
Kelly: Wow. I'm sorry.
Stella: No don't be baby, I'm glad you went out and had fun.
Kelly: I did. But we were supposed to have some fun when I got back. I hyped it up so much and ended up falling asleep. He laughed.
Stella: It's okay, Jay and Hailey are here, we told them to stay as it was late when you got back.
Kelly: I'll make it up to you. He moved his head onto her lap. And, good, it was real nice spending time with him.

He lay, his head on her lap and arms wrapped around her, caressing her bump. Although his head was pounding, he was always so much better when he had the comfort of his woman.

Kelly: Did you have fun? Your pamper night?
Stella: Oh it was so nice, just a little relaxation did me the world of good. Freddie got involved too and me and Hailey had a real nice chat.
Kelly: Good. But I will make it up to you.
Stella: You don't gotta baby, we can have our time whenever we want.
Kelly: I know, but I will, I'll do something nice for you.
Stella: I'm gonna make some breakfast for everyone. I'll bring some water and aspirin up for you.
Kelly: What did I seriously do to deserve you? He said as he looked up at her.
Stella: Being you, that's all. She kissed him as she held his chin a little. Gosh I'm so in love with you.
Kelly: I fucking love you.
Stella: And this helps. She smirked as she quickly grabbed his dick before getting up to make breakfast.
Kelly: Bring that ass back here real quick? He asked.

She turned back to him, slowly making her way to his side of the bed. She leant over him to ask what it was he needed. He grabbed her face gently, kissing her passionately. His tongue twisting with hers would always send her crazy, not to mention him biting her lip in the process.

Kelly: There's more to that whenever you're ready. He smirked as he looked up at her.
Stella: Oh I'll be ready. Don't you worry about that.

It was sexy to him, the fact she was all up on him and loved their sexual connection. Of course he made her the happiest but their chemistry was something else.

She made her way downstairs with Freddie and began preparing breakfast. She made bacon, eggs, waffles and pancakes as she was joined by Kim and Hailey. She spread everything out on the table along with a selection of fruits and juices.

Hailey: Wow Stella, you didn't have to go to this much trouble.
Stella: You're our guests, sit and enjoy. She smiled. I'm just taking this to Kelly and I'll be with you all.
Hailey: Jay will be down in a minute. She smiled.

She grabbed a glass of water and some aspirin and took it up to Kelly.

Kelly: Thanks babe, I'm gonna get a shower then I'll be down if that's okay.
Stella: Sure, I'll make sure to save you a plate.
Kelly: Honestly. Marry me already. He laughed as he grabbed her waist.
Stella: Oh I can't wait to marry you and have you mine forever.
Kelly: We do need to start thinking about that, you know planning a wedding.
Stella: Sure, once this baby is here we can do. I'm not walking down the isle fat and swollen. She laughed.
Kelly: Don't be silly, it's the most beautiful thing to see your body grow this little baby. You'll always be beautiful no matter what.
Stella: You are the sweetest.

She headed back downstairs as Kelly went to shower. Everyone was sat around the table, talking and laughing as they ate. Stella stood back a minute as she took it all in.

Stella: Kelly's just showering, he'll be down soon. She smiled as she sat herself at the table.
Jay: How's his head? He laughed a little.
Stella: Oh he's feeling it this morning.
Jay: Me too, we drank so much, ended up in a club with some guys. Rode a bull. The lot.
Kelly: Oh we're talking about the bull. He laughed as he caught the last of the conversation.
Jay: You rode that thing like a boss man.
Kelly: You know me, man of many talents. He joked as he sat himself next to Stella. Babe you did all this?
Stella: Yeah baby.
Kelly: Jay. You know what I said last night?
Jay: Yeah.
Kelly: Well that times ten. They both laughed as everyone else looked around.

They finished up eating and Jay and Hailey headed home. Kelly and Stella lay snuggled with Freddie on the sofa.

Kelly: Hey babe, I've booked you, Gabby and your aunt a little something.
Stella: Booked what? She asked intrigued.
Kelly: Just a spa thing I saw online. A pregnancy massage and other stuff.
Stella: Oh my god thank you. But why?
Kelly: You deserve it. That's why.
Stella: I love you.
Kelly: It's after next shift, whilst you're gone I'll clean the house ready for my mom visiting and the gender reveal. Me and Freddie are gonna have a boys day with Matt and Louie.
Stella: You. She said softly as she kissed him. But I can clean baby.
Kelly: Nope, you do enough for us all. I'm gonna do this for you. And you can plan whatever for the baby shower.
Stella: I'm excited for your mom to come.
Kelly: Me too, I've missed her. He got all soft again.
Stella: I bet. We also gotta take Fred before shift tomorrow, aunts out on a date tonight. She smiled.
Kelly: Oouh a date huh?
Stella: Yeah, a fire chief. I wonder if we know him?
Kim: Oh you do. She laughed as she entered the lounge.
Stella: We do? Who is it?
Kim: You'll find out, he's going to come to the baby shower as my plus one.
Stella: We gotta wait till then to find out? She pulled her face eager to know.
Kim: Oh you gotta wait baby. She laughed.

Kim headed off as Stella started dinner.

Kelly: Do you need any help?
Stella: Um, can you cut the potatoes please? She asked as she was cooking some chicken.
Kelly: You got it.

He began washing the potatoes by the sink. His eyes were focused on one thing as he did so.

Stella: Kelly.
Kelly: Huh yeah? He said startled a little.
Stella: I can see you, you know.
Kelly: I know, I'm stood right here?
Stella: My boobs you dork! She laughed. Concentrate or you'll cut yourself.
Kelly: I can't.
Stella: Here I got it. She took the knife as he moved behind her.

She began cutting the potatoes as he stood, his body pressed against her and his hands rubbing around her bump.

Stella: You're very touchy today, are you okay?
Kelly: Yeah I'm good, just you, this dress, that ass, your boobs.

Stella laughed as she finished chopping the potatoes, dropping them into the pan.

Stella: Come on, sort yourself. I'll show you all this later. She laughed as she turned, noticing how excited he got.
Kelly: Damn right you will. He said as he grabbed her ass.
Stella: Please get Freddie at the table baby. Dinners nearly ready.
Kelly: You got it. He left a kiss on her lips.

She watched him as he walked away, grabbing Freddie as he tickled him. His laughter filling the room. It wasn't just the love he had for her, it was the amount of love he had for Freddie. It was pure. He sat with Freddie at the table as they laughed together. He was the best daddy to him. Stella loved how much he adored him.

They ate, played some more and settled for the night. Stella kept her promise as she stripped before bed, showing him a little before making love to her man. The love between the two was something he never had before.

Stella & Severide: A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now