Baby Shower

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Their next shift went fast.

They spent the morning preparing the baby shower and spending some family time with Jen.

Kelly had been putting up decorations, mainly pink and blue banners around the house. Gabby helping with the balloons and supervising where Kelly put things. Jen and Kim were sorting the food, making a little buffet.

Stella had a morning to relax as she played with Freddie a little whilst things were being sorted.

Stella: Oww. She shouted as she tried to get herself up from the floor.
Kelly: Babe? As he rushed over to her. You okay?
Stella: Yeah, my stomach just twinged a little. I'm good. She said as he helped her to her feet.
Kelly: You sure? We can get you looked at. He said a little worried as he placed his arm around her to support her walk.
Stella: Kelly I'm okay, I promise. She smiled.

They went off to sort some more things, passing time a little as the day went on.

Everyone slowly started to arrive as the house filled up. Louie and Freddie went off to play with the Hermann's as Kelly and Stella mingled with their guests.

Gabby: You good? You seem a little off? She asked Stella.
Stella: Ah yeah, just some pain I keep getting, it's not too bad it's just uncomfortable.
Gabby: If it gets worse you gotta get it looked at.
Stella: Sure. She said as she let out a breath as she rubbed her bump gently.

A little time passed as everyone got talking. Kelly made his way around with a pen and paper, getting gender predictions from people.

Hermann: It's definitely a boy.
Cruz: Yeah I agree.
Casey: God help a mini Severide running around. They all started to laugh.
Kelly: Yeah he's gonna be a mini me.
Stella: Um, she will be a mini me. She butted in raising her eyebrows at him.
Kelly: I hope the baby gets your curls.
Stella: And your blue eyes. She smiled at him in awe.

The food was being dished out by Jen and Kim. They had spent a lot of time together over the past two days, they had really clicked.

Stella: Ouh I'd love some of that pasta please. She smiled as she held out her bowl.
Kim: No problem baby. Go put your feet up you've been non stop all day.
Jen: We'll bring some over sweetie.
Stella: You two are the best. Thank you.

She had gotten to the point in the day where her back had started to ache, her feet were swollen and the tiredness was kicking in. She started to get sharp pains as the day went on but brushed them off as braxton hicks. After they sat and ate, they gathered everyone around.

Kelly: Okay, so, if just like to thank you all for coming today, for all the love and gifts. We truly do appreciate every single one of you.
Stella: I know we left it a bit late to find the gender with only having a month left, but we appreciate you all so much.

Kim, Jen and Gabby were all in tears as they listened on to Kelly and Stella.

Kelly: I'd also like to thank aunt Kim, my mom and Gabby for all the hard work and planning.
Stella: Yes, thank you ladies, we love you so much.
Kelly: I'd also like to thank Stella, my beautiful fiancé for carrying and soon to be birthing our child. You're my rock and you're a superwoman. I love you. He smiled as he grabbed her hand gently running his thumb across.
Stella: I love you so hard. And we love you all.

The room filled with cheers.

Kelly: Freddie come here buddy. We gotta pop this balloon to find out if you're getting a brother or sister.
Freddie: Yayyy! He shouted as he made his way over to them.
Stella: Okay. She took a deep breath. Let's start the countdown. Ten..Nine...Eight.. She shouted as they all counted together.

She looked around as fear filled her face.

Kelly: Seven...Six....Five...
Stella: Wait!! She practically screamed as she hunched over.
Kelly: What's wrong. Everyone paused.
Stella: Ahhh. Um, I think my waters broke. She said in panic as the water ran down her leg, creating a slight puddle on the floor.

The room fell silent as they looked on.

Kelly: Shit! It's happening. Mom! He shouted.
Stella: Kelly I'm not ready, we're not ready for this, we have a month left. She began to cry.
Kelly: Hey baby. Breathe. He mimicked her breathing to help calm her a little.
Kim: I'll get the car.
Jen: I'll get the bags.
Kelly: Gabby-
Gabby: I got Freddie. She said as she cut him off.
Kelly: Thank you. He said as he helped Stella walk to the car. His arms around her.

Kim started the car as Kelly helped her in, trying to calm her a little as he got her settled. Jen loaded the bags and got into the passenger seat. Kelly hopped in at the side of Stella, her clinging onto his hands as she squoze gently in fear.

Stella: Ahhh. She groaned at the pain.
Kelly: You got this baby. He said as he tried to reassure her.
Stella: It's so painful. As she let a tear fall down onto her cheek.
Kelly: We're nearly there baby. Squeeze my hand as hard as you need.

He seemed pretty calm, whether it was the adrenaline of him becoming a dad or him needing to keep himself composed for Stella. He was so calm.

Before long they arrived at Med. Kelly had April waiting at the entrance with a chair to wheel her to the maternity suite. She moaned as she cried in pain, Kelly feeling a little useless as he couldn't do much for her other than reassure her.

Stella: I forgot how much this hurts. She cried a little as he helped her onto the bed.
Kelly: I know baby, you're doing great.

She lay as the nurses came and got her hooked onto the machines to monitor her and the baby.

The hours had passed, it was now 10pm. The nurses would be in every hour to check up on Stella, checking her vitals and the baby's heart rate. Her pain was getting worse as time went on.

Kelly: Babe should I ask for some pain relief?
Stella: Please. She cried.
Kelly: Nurse.. He shouted as he left the room to find the nurse.

He came back as he followed the nurse into the room, immediately giving Stella his hand once more as he stroked her head.

Kelly: I got you baby. Anything you need just tell me.
Stella: Ahhh. She moaned.
Kelly: You're doing great. Hey breathe. As he slowed his breathing for her to follow.
Nurse: I think your ready to push Stella. She said as she examined her.
Stella: What about the pain?
Nurse: We can give you gas and air but you are too dilated for an epidural.
Kelly: It's okay baby you got this.
Stella: I don't. It hurts so much. She cried.
Kelly: Hey. He kissed her forehead. I'm here. Every step of the way.
Nurse: You ready Stella? She asked as she positioned herself at the bottom of the bed. A big push on your next contraction.

Stella took a deep breath as she prepared herself. Nothing could really prepare her for the pain she was in but at least she knew she would meet her baby real soon.

Stella: Ahhhh. She screamed as she pushed.
Kelly: Go on baby. You got it. He said as he got emotional.
Stella: Kelly shush. She shouted.
Kelly: Okay okay.
Stella: This is all your fault. She shouted.
Kelly: Huh why? He asked as she grabbed his shirt, pulling him close to her.
Stella: Fucking me good enough to get me pregnant. She laughed a little to drown out the pain.

As she followed the nurses instructions again she pushed some more. Screaming in pain as she clenched onto Kelly.

Nurse: Last big push now. She shouted over Stella's screams.
Kelly: Come on baby you got it.
Stella: I got it. She said as she took a deep breath, pushing once more.

And with one last push the room fell silent. Kelly burst into tears as he saw a glimpse of his baby.

Stella: Why.. Why isn't our baby crying. She asked as she panicked.
Kelly: What's wrong? He asked as the Nurse called him over to cut the cord.
Stella: What's going on?
Nurse: We just have to help the baby breathe a little.
Kelly: A baby girl Stell. We have a baby girl. He looked at her as tears streamed down his cheeks.
Stella: Oh my a baby girl. She cried with him. What's wrong with her? She asked as another nurse entered to help with the baby. What's wrong with my baby?
Nurse: She's just having a little trouble breathing at the minute.
Kelly: She's beautiful. You are amazing. I love you.
Stella: I love you. She said as they both watched on in fear.

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