#78 - Etched On Skin (AU) (Part III)

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Chapter 78 - Etched On Skin (AU) (Part III)
published: Thursday, 22 July 2021

Annabeth wished she was the type of person who could take the high road. Usually she was, but apparently Percy was a bad influence on her.

When she told him as much, complaining, "You're making me reckless," all he had to say was, "I think the word you're looking for is 'fun'."

To be fair, messing with their friends was completely warranted. After exchanging stories, Annabeth and Percy had both realised that whatever relentless teasing each of them had experienced, the other had gotten it just as bad.

Like the time Beckendorf knowingly set Percy up with this horrible new camper in an attempt to make Annabeth jealous, but all it did was leave Percy with a clingy demigod who followed him around for days. Or the time the Stolls locked them both up in the same cell during Capture the Flag, and then conveniently "forgot" to let them out once the game was over, and Annabeth had to spend eight hours starving in a jail cell with Percy — overnight, too. Also known as: the night Percy almost became a cannibal.

Besides, it wasn't like they were messing with them on purpose — at first, at least.

On Monday morning, before the sun could come up, Annabeth sneaked into Percy's room, bleary-eyed, clutching her laptop to her chest. For years now, Annabeth had been insisting that Percy watch Roman Holiday with her. It was one of those old, romantic movies, but because she usually watched documentaries and Percy was only into Disney or action movies, they had to compromise — reluctantly on both ends.

Annabeth stumbled into the Poseidon cabin, tripping over her own feet. "This was the worst idea you've ever had and that is saying something," she said with a scowl, sitting down on the edge of his bed.

There was a groan from underneath the duvet, which was bunched up in a heap. "Go away," came Percy's muffled voice.

"You made me get up for this so, no," Annabeth retorted. "You're waking up." As she turned on her laptop and scrolled down to the Roman Holiday video file, which she had downloaded before arriving at camp, using her free hand to vigorously shake Percy by the legs.

It took a few minutes for the video to start playing, and Percy spent three of them struggling to open his eyes. Annabeth shuffled back so that her back was to the headboard, squishing Percy between her and the wall. He was propped up in the corner between the wall and his bed, head drooping tiredly.

If Annabeth was being completely honest, she was pretty sure neither of them were paying attention to the movie. As much as she was trying to focus, Annabeth kept zoning out — a courtesy of possibly five hours of sleep and ADHD.

Percy was even worse. His head was practically balancing on her shoulder and he was very obviously staring blankly at her keyboard.

"I'm gonna quiz you on the plot after," Annabeth mumbled.

He bristled. "Please. If you're actually paying attention to this I'll eat my own shoe."

The movie was almost 2 hours long, and by the time they were reaching the end of it, the summer sky outside had brightened and most campers were already up and about.

"I hate living with morning people," Percy grumbled. The blinds to his cabin were shut but they could see the silhouettes walking past, and the soothing chatter of demigods floated in every now and then.

"You're not not a morning person," Annabeth informed him. "You're just lazy."

Percy was leaning against the wall now, his body half-facing her. "You know we just spent two hours sitting here doing absolutely nothing, right?"

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