No use avoiding

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Sunny's POV

I wiped my tears away as our car reached school. Thank god I was sitting along in the back. I was trying my best to cry quietly which worked because the girls were blasting 4 Minute's - Crazy. It's really nice and I'm proud of Hyuna's rapping skills. I grabbed my bag and got off. Yuri grinned as she was the one to go out before me. "Bye Sunny! See you later!" I frowned as the sun was kind of harsh today. I used the hand to block the sun as I squinted at Yuri. She was already running towards BTS. I scanned them. Big Mistake....

I squinted more and confirmed it. There was a girl beside JImin, her hand wrapped around his waist, his hand around hers. I dropped my hand and gripped my bag tighter.  I made a run for class. "Sunny! Sunny!" Jungkook and V screamed my name but I ignored them and ran faster. The other students made way for me with weird looks. "What's wrong with her?"  "Sunny never runs. What makes her excited for class this time?"

I collapsed in my seat and placed my head on the table. I heard two pairs of running footsteps and panting. The seat in beside me was dragged. I could tell someone else was standing beside me. He placed his hand on my head, patting it lightly. "Sunny, what's wrong?" I recognised it as V. I stayed still and closed my eyes. But all I see is Jimin oppa and Jimin of AOA with hands around the other's waist, giggling and joking with one other.

"Sunny? Are you okay? Why did you run?" I recognised the other voice as Jungkook. I opened my eyes, rage surging with every beat of my heart.  "Sunny? Sunny?" I stood up angrilly and kicked my desk. Jungkook and V gasped as the table flipped and land on the ground. They looked back and forth from the table to me. I took my bag and stormed out of class. 

Junhyung's POV

"Yah Yah! That's my chocolate!" Dongwoon protested as Seohyun took away his bar of chocolate. I laughed as she sat beside me and started to eat the chocolate bar. She handed me half and we enjoyed the chocolate as we watched Dongwoon pout. Yoseob toyed with his phone as Gikwang rested his head on his shoulders and slept.

I looked at Hyunseung who was staring sorrowfully at Hyuna. Did I mention that I heard Sunny calling him cousin? Why would they hide it from us? Anyways, poor him. He loved Hyuna so much. But she broke it off with him. What will happen to Troublemaker? I scanned the members again. Where's Dujun?

As I scanned the school, I see Sunny kicking and punching a tree angrilly in one corner of the school. I nudged Yoseob and pointed to Sunny. He shook Gikwang awake and ran to her. The rest of us followed. "Sunny! Stop it!" I screamed her name.


K.S <3

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