feels like the last

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Jungkook's POV

I woke up and groaned. Best way to start my day. My body's aching all over from the fight yesterday. I took a bath and changed. I almost entered the kitchen but stopped when I heard Jimin hyung's stern voice. "No. Jagi, do not yell at her again. She's family not enemy. do you hear me? No! don't do anything to her. I swear if you do something, I won't forgive you!" I heard him slam the table in anger. I gulped before entering the kitchen. "hyung, are you okay?" I asked as I took a carton of  milk and sat opposite him.

He sighed and gulped down all the milk in his glass. "Ji wants to confront Sunny. For calling her a fake bitch." I frowned and shook my head. "Life's a mess huh.. anyways, I'm going to visit Sunny and Hyoyeon with V. You want to follow?" jimin  hyung closed his eyes and shook his head. "I'm going to rehearse more later." V hyung suddenly popped out of nowhere. "Rehearse?! Again?! Yah Jiminnie! No more training for you! Rest for two days at least!" Jimin opened his eyes. "But I'm fine TaeTae! and you know I ca-" V hyung muffled Jimin hyung with his hand. "No more protests or I'll extend your leave to a week. If I catch you anywhere near the dance studio, you are in huge trouble. Got me?" 

Jimin hyung frowned but nodded anyways. He went into his room and locked the door. Half an hour later, V hyung and I went out and crossed the road to SNSD's dorm. "hurry Jungkook! I can't wait to see Hyo!" I chuckled. V hyung really likes Hyoyeon. One knock and Hyoyeon opened the door. She smiled and let us in. HyoVKookSun barked and nudged against our legs. I bent down and picked him up, hugging him close to me. "Aigoo~ You gained weight again? Did you steal Prince's food?" HyoVKookSun barked. I chuckled at its cuteness.

V hyung took him from my arms and pretended to groan. "Yah~ You're not a puppy anymore now. You're a grown dog. Stop growing up so fast." hyoyeon giggled and shook her head, "It's not him that grew so fast. It's because you guys haven't visited in a month and a half." I looked around and then back to her. " Sunny?" 

Before she could answer, Sunny entered the living room. She gave us a small smile "Are you guys okay? after yesterday?" V hyung nodded. " A little painful but I'm fine." A look of guilt flashed across Sunny's face. I slung my arm around her "It's okay.  It's not that painful" Sunny looked up and gave a small smile. Before I could return the smile, my phone beeped.

From:  RapMon hyung

Come back home now. Jimin's in hospital. You won't believe what we found out. We're going there now. The car's leaving in 10 minutes.

I frowned. The last time we saw Jimin hyung was half an hour ago before he locked himself in his room. He must've sneaked out  "what's wrong oppa?" Hyoyeon asked as she carried HyoVKookSun in her arms. I looked at V hyung. "Jimin hyung is in hospital. They found out something. We need to go" Sunny looked up and gave me a bright smile that had an extra emotion clinging to it but I don't know what it is. It's a dark emotion. Something full of sadness. "Goodbye oppa. Wish Jimin oppa gets well soon for me." I felt a wave of emotion sweeping me. This goodbye feels like the last... Aish! Jeon Jungkook! stop thinking too much!  I hugged her and smiled. "Bye"

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