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Sunny's POV

The girls gave me a group hug once I entered the class. They heard that I was back to my normal self. Except Yuri who knew but was talking to J-Hope on the phone. Ay~ J-Hope and Yuri...

Yoseob's POV

As we walked past SNSD's class, I stopped after hearing the celebration. I peeked in.

"I'm so happy you're back to your normal self!" A girl with blonde hair hugged her.

Seohyun slung an arm around Sunny "No more mean, cold Sunny unnie!"

I smiled and continued walking to my class which was beside theirs. Beast were already sitting in their seats.

Junhyung lifted his head when I entered "What's going on next door? Why is it so chaotic?"

I smiled "Sunny's back to her normal self."

Gikwang clapped "We'll be able to see her aegyo then!"

Hyunseung frowned "Won't this mean that BangtanShiDae will be more close with each other?"

I shook my head and smirked " Me, Gikwang and Junhyung are very close friends with her. Our new dorm will be beside theirs while Bangtan's opposite. Who's closer?"

Dujun raised his eyebrows "Did you read my messages again?"

Dongwoon laughed "No wonder Yoseob hyung knows a lot of things. Dujun hyung, set a password but don't forget it."

Everyone laughed. The leader can be careless and forgetful at times. Sunny won't be distant. She won't. I won't let her escape and be with BTS. She's mine.

Jimin's POV

I heard what Yoseob said about the new dorms. I ran to our classroom and sat at my seat, panting.

Jin tapped my shoulder "Did you see a ghost? Why are you panting?"

I shook my head "Our new dorm is opposite GG's."

Suga sat up and smiled "Jinjja?"

I nod "But Beast's dorm is beside theirs."

Rap Mon frowned "Beside?"

V ruffled his hair "Whatever. BTS is closer to GG than Beast is. We have everyone on our side."

Jungkook shook his head "Aniya. Seohyun knows Beast. Sunny knows Beast."

J-Hope shrugged "I don't think they'll abandon us for Beast."

I catched my breath "I hope not."

Sunny's POV

I almost sat down at the dock with BangtanShiDae when Gikwang screamed my name. He ran to me and smiled, pulling me along with him. I looked at BTS and GG who just watched us blankly.

I followed Gikwang to the rooftop. He let my hand go and smiled. "Sorry. Did I hurt you wrist?"

I shook my head "Ani. Oh hey guys! *waves to Beast*"

Junhyung hugged me as I sat beside him. He let me go and smiled "You want some drink?"

I shook my head and smiled "Why did you drag me here?"

Yoseob smiled "To celebrate that you're back to your normal self."

Right after he said that, Hyunseung threw graffiti over me. I stood up and brushed the graffiti off.

"Yah~ Hyunseung! Now I'm colourful!"

Hyunseung laughed with Dongwoon. I took some graffiti and threw it at him. It became a graffiti war on the rooftop. I went to the toilet to dust off the remaining graffiti. I came out and Jungkook was walking past.

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