The girlfriend

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Sunny's POV

Hyoyeon jinjja... she needs to stop being a pabo. And learn basic common language. I should help V oppa though. Not her. She'll be playing hard to get. She can handle this herself. V oppa will need help because he doesn't know the reasons behind her actions.

"Sunny ah!" I turned around and smiled at Jimin who was walking towards me. As he stepped closer, I noticed his cologne. It smelled nicer and more gentlemanly. He smiled cheefully "Can you do me a favour?" I nodded and smiled back. "Sure. What is it?" He looked at his watch before looking at me with the same smile. "Today, my girlfriend Jimin is coming back. You know, AOA." I felt a piece of my heart being torn. Girlfriend?

"I need your help to get a bouquet of flowers for me. It's from the shop near our dorms. Just collect it and meet me outside my dorm at 4.15pm okay?" I nodded quietly. "Thanks Sunny!" He patted my shoulder before running off. I walked to the flower shop and collected the flowers. As I waited, I frowned.

He didn't tell me he was dating AOA's Jimin. Jimin and Jimin. Same name... "here you go!" the florist handed me a bouquet of white roses with a card sllid between it. I smiled and bowed as I walked out of the shop. I looked at the card. Chim and MIn <3

I placed the card back in as another piece of my heart broke. I heard the furious roar of an engine beside me. I noticed a huge puddle of muddy water. I turned my body and defended the white roses with myself. I cried as my clothes got dirty. Luckily the roses weren't affected.

I wiped my tears away and looked at my watch. 4.12?! Shit. I ran for his dorm, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of dirty water (><") I ignored the fact that I'll get sick. I need to deliver this flowers to Jimin.

When I arrived, Jimin was standing there, tapping his feet and looking at his watch. He was wearing jeans, a white oversized sweater and a cap. He looked stunning. But not for me. I handed him his flowers.

He smiled and looked at me before frowning. "Why are you covered in dirt?" I opened my mouth to reply but he cut me off. "Just bathe okay? Thanks Sunny! I owe you one!" His hand reached out to pat my head but he drew it back and waved instead. Jimin went into his managers car.

As their car drove off, I looked down at myself. I was dirty. I dragged myself across the road and went to my dorm, ignoring the girls' quizzical stares as I walked past them.


I'm feeling a bit better but Sec 2 subjects are taking up all my time


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