Year 4: Cedric, You Arse!

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I sat at the table, happy that I wasn't all that hungry, because there wasn't all that much to eat. This didn't come as much of a surprise, but it was a bit of a step down from what I was getting at Hogwarts and I knew that I'd probably spend most nights in bed, trying to fight of my hunger by going to sleep while I was at home.

I could see it on Gardenia's face that she didn't quite understand why her portions were so much smaller than they had been while we were all away. I wondered when she'd finally understand why things were the way they were for us. I didn't want her to, because I remember how embarrassed I'd been the first time someone had made fun of me for shopping in the secondhand bin at the bookstore.

I hadn't understood that we were poor, as most kids don't unless they're told, and I wasn't going to be the one to tell Gardenia. Hopefully, no one said anything when she got to Hogwarts. Like the Weasleys, it was no secret that we were far from wealthy.

I also hoped that Gardenia herself wouldn't say anything about it while we were all here. I knew that we were worse off than we'd ever been this year since we had to buy all those books and supplies at the beginning, and I knew that it would only be worse when Gardenia started school and I started taking my advanced classes. However, I wasn't going to bring it up in front of Rosemary.

Rosemary had a little bit of money from her shop, and Duncan made some money from his band, but it was enough for the two of them for now. I didn't want her to feel like she needed to give us any of her money. I'd feel awful taking money from her, and I know Amaryllis would only feel worse. That is, if she took any at all.

"So, how are your new classes going, Ollie?" I asked, hoping that by bringing it up, I could keep Gardenia from saying anything.

"They're fine." He shrugged, "I'm not doing too well with the extra work."

"I'm sure you're doing just fine," Rosemary said, "The classes aren't that bad."

"I think you're forgetting that I'm not as smart as you guys," He said with a light laugh, "So, they are a little harder for me, but that's okay. I'm a Hufflepuff for a reason."

"Ollie, if you're struggling, then you can always come to me for help, and if I can't help you, then I can find someone who can. Tamara is really good with maths, and Heather is a pro at divination." I said, being completely unaware that Oleander wasn't doing that great in his classes.

If he would have told me before now, I would have happily helped him while we were still at school. He never wants to ask for help, but when he's asked how he's doing, he'll gladly tell you all the things that aren't going his way. I'm surprised this short conversation hadn't steered towards him being put on reserve yet.

"I can handle it. I'm not failing or anything, it's just that I've been distracted with being put on reserve and everything." He sighed.

I may have spoken too soon on the quidditch part.

"Wesley put you on reserve?" Leilani scoffed, "It's about time that someone else gets a shot."

"Leilani, I know you're probably too busy thinking about yourself and just being overall self-absorbed most of the time, but if you're going to talk crap, at least know what you're talking about, please." I huffed.

"What are you on about?" She rolled her eyes.

"One, Wesley isn't even captain of the team anymore, Cedric is. Two, Ollie only got to play for a year before he was cut, so no, it's not about time for anything." I said.

She loved to talk about stuff that she knew nothing about. I knew I was only stoking the fires by saying something, and that this is how most of our arguments start, but I wasn't going to let Oleander be blamed for whatever Cedric's ulterior motives behind moving him to reserve were. Cedric was in the wrong, but since they lost against Ravenclaw while Oleander was playing, he wouldn't admit it.

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